Ruth laughs as she shakes her head. “It appears you’ve convinced my husband,” she says.
“Seriously, Mom, this is cool. You should do it,” her eldest daughter, Alicia, says as she joins the conversation.
“I have to agree,” Victor, her son says.
“I could go either way,” the youngest daughter, Serenity, says.
I laugh. “I like honesty,” I tell the teen who grins at me. It seems the majority of the family are football fans. I find myself holding my breath, something I don’t do too often.
“I guess I’m being ganged up on. How can I say no?” Ruth finally says.
I feel like I’m walking on water. This has been easier than I ever imagined. I guess talking to her with her family here is my other ace in the hole.
“Thank you, Ruth. This is wonderful. I won’t keep you longer because I know you’re about to be hit so I’ll leave this card with you, and when you get home, call me, and we’ll set this up,” I tell her as I hand over a card.
“I won’t let her forget,” Tony says, as he steps in and takes the card, carefully tucking it away. This makes Mason and I both laugh.
“It will be fun,” Ruth says. “I do love a good collaboration. It’s just been a while.”
We say goodbye and walk away. Mason takes my hand and squeezes and I try not to let out my shout of happiness as we exit the signing room. We make it a distance before I practically shout. “We did it!” My heart’s racing with elation.
“Yes, we did,” he agrees, a proud smile resting on his lips. “Time to celebrate.”
We head to the bar, the atmosphere buzzing with endless energy and excitement. This is the last day of the conference and there have been a lot of deals made, and a lot of happy fans getting to be with their favorite authors. Mason immediately orders champagne, and as soon as it’s poured, we toast to our success. It really has been a team effort.
“To new challenges and great beginnings,” he says, clinking his glass against mine.
“Here, here,” I echo before taking a sip.
He sits close, his eyes locked on mine. “You know, Maria, that just because this conference is over doesn’t mean we are,” he tells me, making my heart thud in my chest. I haven’t even admitted to myself this is what I want, but as he says the words I realize it truly is.
“I think we could work out another deal or two,” I tell him with a smile. We’ve made it through the conference without having sex, but if that doesn’t happen soon, I might lose my mind. Now that work is over, it’s more than time to play.
We celebrate for a while before he leaves to help his brother with the signing and I head up to my room, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts. I’m thrilled when I find Nikki sitting on the couch. I was hoping she’d be inside. When I left, she’d been deciding whether to attend the signing today or not.
“You’re sure smiling,” Nikki says as I enter, kick off my shoes, then plop down beside her.
“I secured the deal with Ruth Cardello,” I tell her. “We just have to iron it all out now.”
“Yahoo!” she shouts as she throws herself at me and gives me a hug. “This is wonderful.”
“I know. I do have to admit, it’s most likely Mason who got me the deal. Ruth’s husband, Tony, is a huge fan of his, and told his wife she had to do the collaboration with his brother.”
“Hey, it doesn’t matter how the deal is closed, it just matters that you’ve done it. I never had any doubt,” she says. “Sure, it was great to have Mason at your side, who I happen to like a whole hell of a lot, but you’d have figured out a way to do it without him too.”
“That’s why I love you,” I tell her. “You always make me feel so damn good about myself.”
“If besties don’t have each other’s backs, then what good are they?” Nikki says.
“I agree.”
“Now, on to the good stuff. What’s happening with you and Mason now that the conference is practically over?”
I lean back and let out a sigh. “I want to drag that man to my bed and do unholy things to him all night long,” I admit.
She bursts out in laughter. “Then do it. It’s been far too long for you and you’re going to dry up soon if you don’t get your freak on.”
“I go back and forth on if it’s a good idea or not,” I tell her.