“I can’t wait to see you again,” Mason says. I think he might mean this. His look is both playful and reassuring. What is up with this man?

I simply nod at him, my heart pounding too tightly in my throat for me to say a word. I turn and walk away, knowing he’s watching me. I take in several deep breaths, then pull up my calendar on my phone. I begin heading to my next event, feeling the aftershocks of the morning with Mason.

My boss, Robert, finds me in the hallway. “Maria, just the woman I’ve been looking for,” he says, motioning for me to come join him. We move over to a private table in the corner of the huge conference area.

“I have another panel to go to, but I can be late,” I tell him. When the boss wants to talk, you don’t ignore him.

“Great. This conference is wonderful. How are the connections going?” he asks.

“I’ve made some excellent contacts, and have already met with Miles Bennett. My next approach is Ruth Cardello, and I have an excellent plan on how to get her.”

“That’s wonderful,” he says. He doesn’t seem as excited about this as I thought he’d be. This shocks me. It’s what he asked for from this conference and now he seems almost bored with my report. Sometimes it’s impossible to please people.

“I’ve seen on social media that you and Mason Bennett are quite the couple now,” he tells me with a sly smile. This, I wasn’t expecting. My stomach does a little flip. I don’t talk about my personal life with any of my colleagues, but especially not my boss.

“Yes, we’re seeing each other, but it’s very new,” I hesitantly say. This is a game we’re playing at conference, not something I want to interfere with my work.

“That’s wonderful.” He barely even pauses before he gets to the point. It’s normally one of the things I respect about the man, that he doesn’t mince words. We waste a lot of time and energy dancing around subjects when it’s so much better to get straight to the point.

“I want you to secure a tell-all with him,” Robert says, leaning in closer so no one can hear us. “There’s something big going on, and I want us to get the first scoop.”

“You want an interview with Mason?” I question. “He’s not in the publishing world.” Am I hearing this correctly? This doesn’t make sense, something I’m not used to when it comes to my boss. One thing I love about this world of publishing is that it’s so straight forward.

“I hear that might change. The man’s been busy for the past five years and his fame continues to grow. I want you to get everything you can out of him, his thoughts on the industry, his personal insights, his family life, his publishing aspirations, his team experiences. I want a full spread.”

My mind’s racing as he continues speaking. Mason’s made jokes about publishing, but I haven’t taken him seriously. What in the world is happening here? I might be a shark in this industry, but I always maintain ethics in my job. I won’t lie to a person to get the scoop. I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me. I also wouldn’t want my dirty laundry aired to the entire world. Mason’s had the eyes of the public on him for a very long time, and this assignment isn’t making me feel too good.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say, not offering a full commitment. I clearly don’t like this but I’m hoping I’m hiding this reaction from Robert.

“Good. I always know I can count on you,” he says as if this is a done deal. He then stands and walks away. He doesn’t believe in wasting time or sitting too long and chatting. Once business is done, he’s off on the next quest. That’s how he runs one of the most successful publishing houses in the industry. He’s a very wealthy man for a reason.

I stay at the table for a few more moments feeling rattled. It’s a bummer since my morning started out so great. Now, I feel like a huge wave has washed over me, and I don’t know why. I guess I’ll have to talk to Mason and see if there’s any truth to publishing rumors. It might be something he’s trying to keep close to the sleeve. I won’t know unless we talk.

One thing’s for sure. Something’s going on. I just have no idea what it might be. I shake off this dreadful feeling and rise. I have a lot to do today, and for now I need to concentrate. I’ve got this. If I tell myself this enough I’m going to believe it.

Chapter Six


I stand in the middle of my suite as I look around the area. I’ve done a mighty fine job if I do say so myself. It’s difficult to create a romantic scene while attempting to not look like that’s exactly what you’re doing. Instead of candles burning, I have the gas fireplace on a low burn. The table’s set with a selection of finger foods, cheeses, meats, sushi, breads, dips, chocolates, fruits, and petite fours. My hope is to use Maria’s stomach as my plate. This might not happen, but a man can dream.

The chemistry between us is off the charts. Sitting with her during that panel had been pleasure and torture all in one. I can’t keep my hands off of her. It’s not just sexual chemistry though. I enjoy this woman, enjoy how she reacts to my flirtations, and love how easily she laughs. The fire between us is an added bonus. A relationship can work with milder chemistry, but it can thrive if you desperately want the person you’re with, and I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want Maria.

Relationships can be more than just sex, but there’s nothing without chemistry and attraction. Maria and I have both of these in hoards, and I’d love to spend this weekend figuring out exactly what makes Maria tick, and how to get those eyes to alight in desire and passion.

I have the scone lights on without the bright overheads going. Of course, Maria’s favorite wine is chilling. She’d been drinking mixed drinks when I met her, but she really savored the wine last night. I’m aiming for a perfect night, and I think I’ve achieved it. We’re supposed to be talking shop, but I hope I can make her forget all about work. This conference will go fast, and if I don’t amp things up, I might lose her before I have her.

Just as I’m handling the finishing touches, there’s a hard knock on my door. I turn and look at it with confusion. There’s no way Maria’s already here. She’s the type to show up early, but not thirty minutes early. Her schedule is much too busy for that. I walk slowly to the door as the pounding begins again. Who in the hell would be this rude? I’m a bit irritated as I move toward it. I don’t want to see anyone tonight other than Maria.

“Open up, Mason, or we’re breaking it down,” a deep voice calls through the wood. Dammit. This isn’t a knock I can ignore.

I shake my head as I chuckle, my irritation evaporating. I open the door and in spills a few of my old teammates from my NFL days. There’s immediate back pounding, laughter, and loud voices filling the room, completely shattering the romantic ambiance I’ve worked so hard to create. Normally I love to see these guys . . . but not tonight.

“Mason! It’s been too long,” Kevin, my old quarterback, shouts, as he bumps my shoulder.

“It could be longer,” I say with laughter.

The guys look around the room and their grins grow bigger. “What do you have planned here?” Tom asks.