Nikki and I start the day right with a run and workout, grateful the men from the day before aren’t there. Hopefully they’ve checked out of the hotel. Those are definitely the type of men that I don’t want anywhere near a book conference. We then race back to our room to get ready for the day. It’s starting earlier than yesterday, and going later.
I rush to the conference area, and barely take a few steps into the hustle and bustle of the crowd before I see Mason confidently striding toward me. I give him a smile, knowing there are eyes on him for sure. If we’re going to sell this, we might as well do a good job of it. I never like to do less than my best.
Before I have time to react, Mason stops, pulls me to him, then leans down and gives me a chaste kiss. It’s just long enough to have people notice without being so over the top it makes people cringe. I’ve never been a fan of PDA’s, but with this man I could change my mind as the rest of the room seems to fade the second I’m in his arms. What the heck?
“Good morning, beautiful,” he murmurs as he pulls back, his hand still resting on my hip. I love the feel of his fingers on me. It’s odd that such a brief kiss can make my head instantly go foggy.
The entire conference pauses for a moment, slowing down. The sounds, chatter, and sights all disappear as I sit in a bubble with this dynamic man. Heat fills my cheeks as my skin flushes. If we’re trying to sell this, we’re doing a great job. I wish I could say I’m acting, but there’s no acting here. This man flusters me while also reminding me I’m a woman.
I’m sure there are a few pics taken, not for me, but because it’s Mason, former NFL superstar, and current top fifty most beautiful men in the country if you were to believe some of the gossip rags in circulation.
“Good morning,” I finally reply. Mason gives me a smirk that I’m growing to really love. He can see how much he’s affected me.
“Gotta sell it,” he reminds me so I don’t chastise him. That’s the furthest thing from my mind right now. I decide to step from my comfort zone.
“Well then, we better give them something to talk about,” I say, loving the surprise in his eyes. We turn to start walking and I reach down and squeeze his very firm tush.
He leans close to my ear. “Careful, Maria, or I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you straight to my room,” he warns.
A thrill rushes through me. I don’t hate the idea of that happening. Maybe I’m reading too many romance books. I feel like I’m in one right now . . . and I like the plot.
With my heart pounding, I let Mason pull me into the panel room. He finds a place for us in the audience, and we sit down. He keeps my hand firmly clasped in his. The intimate gesture sends a wave of warmth through me, but also makes it incredibly hard to concentrate on the authors in the front speaking. These are some of my biggest authors and I need to pay attention, but how can anyone do that with a man like Mason next to them? Maybe stronger women than me.
The panelists are discussing innovative marketing ideas for new authors. One of the authors, a charismatic woman who has a flair for drama, is explaining how personal branding can boost sales. She lets the audience know it’s not just about selling a book anymore, it’s about a total package. If you don’t have the love of your fans, they’ll find someone they like better. It’s a good point. The market continually shifts, but I’ve never seen changes happening so fast in these past few years. If authors and editors don’t stay with the times, they’re soon forgotten.
My author looks out at the audience and smiles. “You see, an author’s image is just as important as their words between the covers,” she passionately says. “Sometimes we have to think outside the box and come up with unconventional methods to draw attention. However, don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t. Always be true to yourselves, but don’t be afraid to give the audience a personal view of your lives. We’re in a new world with smart phones, and we can share our lives. It’s nearly impossible to hide anything.” She pauses with a laugh. “Maybe leave the phones outside of your bedroom, though,” she adds with a laugh that has the rest of the audience giggling with her.
“I don’t mind sharing my bedroom,” one woman calls out.
“Write it down, baby,” another of the authors calls down to her. She smiles at the crowd. “I’m not saying I use personal experience in my books . . .” She pauses as she gives a wink to the crowd. “I’m also not saying I don’t use those experiences.” This makes the crowd laugh more as they lift their phones to download her books.
Mason leans in close to me so only I can hear him, his breath tickling my ear. “How about this for unconventional? You and I model together in as few clothes as possible.”
My breath hitches as I picture the two of us sweaty and naked. It’s an image I wouldn’t mind for my own personal collection, not something I’m willing to share with the world. I bite my lip to keep from panting. I try to put a stern expression on my face.
“Shh,” I reprimand. “I need to pay attention.”
The authors continue, oblivious to what’s going on with Mason and I. “For example, collaborations between authors really create a buzz. The fans can see those relationships, and they love it. This only works if it’s real. We see far too much fakeness in this business, and that’s where you’ll lose other authors and your fans. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t. I can’t stress this enough.”
“I’m more than up for some collaboration. We can be the next big thing. The sexy editor and the dashing cover model,” he suggests in my ear. I don’t know if it’s his words or his hot breath on my ear that’s making me squirm more. He nips my ear, giving the people behind us a show. I smack his thigh. He’s throwing this on thick, and it’s working on me if no one else. I feel like this is a relationship. No. No. No. I can’t go there. Fake dating. I need to remember this is fake dating. We’re putting on a show, a damn good show, but still a show.
“Stop it,” I warn, not sure if I should straddle him or laugh. This is crazy. This man is either making me burn or laugh. I like both feelings. I’ll never make it through these panels with him at my side. It’s good we have to part for a while after this one.
As the panel continues, Mason doesn’t relent. He keeps making little jokes, some hilarious, and some so spicy it’s keeping my cheeks flushed cherry red. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wants to get me in his bed, and he’s doing a fine job of keeping me turned on.
“Back to the photo shoot. I think it needs to be a full calendar. We’ll make it a literary theme. One month I’m Fabio with billowing hair with you hanging off of my naked chest. Another month I’ll be Mr. Darcy and you’ll be my Elizabeth.” He pauses and chuckles. “Then the next I’ll be Tarzan and you’ll be Jane, this time in nothing but a loin cloth. We don’t want to cover up your perfect breasts.” He’s beaming at me at the thought of me nearly naked. I work to control my flush, liking his ideas and falling for his charm more than I care to admit.
I nearly lose it this time, covering my mouth to suppress a giggle. I desperately try to focus on the panelists, but Mason’s antics are making it nearly impossible. I give him a playful nudge, but this only makes him grin wider. I pray no one’s recording us, because we’re not being profession at all. I never act this way in public. What is this man doing to me?
The discussion at the head of the room shifts to social media strategies, and one of the panelists mentions the power of viral videos. We all need constant entertainment, and nothing catches our attention more than a great social media video. I’ve been known to spend an hour straight going from video to video until my eyes are burning. I always feel guilty for wasting so much time on guilty pleasures when I could be getting work done or reading a great book, but at least I’m far from the only person who does this same thing.
Mason leans close. “You and I could easily go viral. I’m thinking a dance challenge.”
I nudge him as I shake my head. “Would you act like a professional for two minutes?” I say as I desperately try to hide my smile.
I’ve never been so relieved and disappointed at the same time as the panel ends. I’m exhausted, turned on, and amused all at the same time. Being with this man is like attending a county fair with nonstop high-octane rides.
We exit the room and though I know it’s good to get away from him, I find myself slightly bummed to part from his company. I’m having fun with him, more fun than I’ve ever had with a man before. I get along great with men, and always have, but between the fun and sexual chemistry, Mason’s far too desirable to be with.