“Don’t let that man get too far away. He’s beautiful,” she tells me with a giggle.

“Believe me, he knows it,” I reply.

“How could he not?” she says, the other ladies at the table giggle. It makes me laugh as well as I say goodbye and walk away. Mason’s a challenge, and he’s one I’m not hating. For now, though, I have to prepare myself. I have a lot to do. I try to ignore the fact that I can’t wait for the day to end so I can see him again. This is going to be a very long conference.

Chapter Four


The knock on my door comes right at seven, just as promised. Mason isn’t hiding his interest in me. I wish this annoyed me instead of making me happy, but I’ve been around way too many guys who’ve played silly games, and it normally drives me crazy. I know better than to fall for him and this act. I know I should be more distant. He’s making it very difficult for me, though.

When Bobby was pursuing me, he was confident, but not bold like Mason. Bobby thinks he’s great, but he’s also insecure. There’s nothing Mason has to be insecure about. He also has some humility about him, too. This tells me that he grew up in a good home and retained these values, unlike Bobby who was told he was perfect his whole life without having to earn the title.

I open the door to find Mason standing before me with a smirk on his lips, and two hands full of bags with takeout food and drinks. “Dinner’s served,” he tells me.

“The room service in this place has improved,” I say with a laugh as I open the door to invite him in. “Nikki made it back in time to join us.” I look to see if he’s bummed about this. He looks over at Nikki, who’s sprawled out on the couch looking very content as she searches through her social media. He smiles at her. He doesn’t even blink.

“You look very busy,” he says.

She grins back at him. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the man who’s the talk of the conference.”

Mason chuckles as he sets down the food on the table. “I aim to please and I’m used to being gossiped about. I hope it’s good and juicy though.”

“We can make it really good. Want to do some poses for me? I’ll post them,” she offers as she holds up her phone.

“With you two beautiful ladies. Count me in,” he says with a wink, making Nikki laugh.

“Keep dreaming, big boy,” Nikki tells him.

“I have dreams. There’s no doubt about it,” he says. He then looks at me, and makes my heart thud. “And they star one woman.” I decide it’s smarter not to comment on this. I start unbagging the hordes of food he’s brought.

“Looks like you’re expecting a few more people,” I tell him.

“Or an all-nighter,” he says, a teasing twinkle in his eyes. “What have you ladies been up to all day?”

“After the meeting with your brother that was interrupted, I had to give a talk on editing, and then I had four more meetings. I tend to get peopled out during conferences,” I admit.

“I can see that. I love people, but I also appreciate my alone time,” Mason says.

“I’m a bit shocked by that. You seem like the type of man who’s happiest in a crowd of people.”

“That’s part of my persona. Anyone who doesn’t need alone time is someone who isn’t confident in their own company. I like myself and have some deep conversations when I’m all by my lonesome.”

Nikki laughs. “So, do you have various alter egos you talk to?” she asks.

“Of course. Who doesn’t?” he asks.

“Nobody that I know of or want to be friends with,” she says. I love how witty and quick she is with comebacks.

“The challenge of obtaining Ruth to work with your brother is fun. I’ve been doing a lot of research. She’s a family woman and has cut back on her writing so it will be a challenge, but I think I can get her,” I tell him.

We all sit at the table as we begin eating the delicious food Mason’s brought. There’s a little bit of everything from greasy to savory, and I like it all so far.

“I have no doubt you’ll get her, but you’re going to need your wingman. I’m good at charming people,” he says.

“Oh, you’ve proven that already,” I tell him. He wouldn’t be in my room if he wasn’t charming. I never have meetings in my room. It’s my sanctuary and the place I go to take off my bra, kick off my shoes, and no longer have to smile anymore if I don’t want to. Though, when I room with Nikki there’s a lot of smiling still going on.

“Not that you two still know I’m here, but my day was spent dodging boring panels that I was going to attend, and instead helping out some authors. Then I attempted some writing but got lonely and headed to the bar to do a few drinks with all of my new friends,” Nikki says. She stuffs the last piece of a sushi roll in her mouth and chews it as she reaches for a chicken strip.