“Of course I care what you spent the day doing,” Mason says, adding a dramatic flare to the words. “How dare you assume differently.” Nikki and I share a look and a grin. Besties are certainly tough nuts to crack.
We settle in comfortably with each other, too comfortably. With the conversation flowing, the laughter coming out in spades. Meanwhile, the food’s disappearing fast. I’m normally careful with how much I eat, but apparently not tonight, especially with the wine Mason’s brought. We easily go through two bottles, making me feel nice and relaxed, and very full.
“So what’s in that brilliant brain of yours on how to win over Ruth Cardello?” he asks.
“I’m still working on it,” I admit. “I have to secure this deal, though, or my boss won’t be happy.”
“That’s why you need me,” Mason says as he leans back with his wine glass, looking completely comfortable.
“Well, sell yourself then. What do you have in mind?” I ask. I’m falling more and more under his spell. I should be pushing him out the door, but it isn’t going to happen. It’s better to accept and adapt to the situation.
He lets out a deep breath. “Well, I have a little problem here. There was this woman I dated last year who’s here. She works for one of the publishing houses, and she’s been following me around. I don’t like to be a jerk, but I don’t want her chasing me. I need a fake girlfriend. Maybe we can help each other.”
I give him a look that has made other men shake. He doesn’t look at all intimidated. “Mmm, hmm. So, what you’re saying is that you’ll help me if I pretend to be your girlfriend.”
“Yep. You help me. I help you,” he says. Then his grin grows. “Besides, the fake girlfriend is a popular trope in the romance industry, isn’t it? We can use this for research and business. It’s a win-win.”
Nikki laughs. “That’s my favorite rom-com,” she says.
“It worked out for my brother quite nicely,” he says.
This is a story I want to hear about. “What happened with your brother?”
He shakes his head. “You’ll have to ask him. Let’s just say he’s getting married now.” This makes my heart lodge in my throat. That’s not the outcome he’s hoping for, or at least it better not be. This is crazy that I’m even thinking about it. Mason and marriage shouldn’t be in the same sentence. Men with that smooth confidence and easy flirting aren’t the marriage type.
“If it’s fake dating, it’s fake,” I emphasize. “I’m thinking about it, but if we do this, there will be ground rules,” I warn.
Mason looks utterly confident. “I’m all ears.”
“You should tell me what you expect me to do as this fake girlfriend, then I’ll tell you my thoughts about whatever that is.”
“I’d love to. You’ll have to fawn all over me, run your leg all over mine, grab my butt, kiss me in public, bat your eyes, and tell everyone I’m the best you’ve ever had.” He says this so sincerely that if there wasn’t a twinkle in his eyes I might think he was serious.
“Reasonable,” Nikki chimes in with a nod. I smack her arm.
“Occasional touching is okay, body rubbing is out, and kissing is definitely out,” I say.
“There has to be some pecks or we won’t sell this,” he insists.
“If it’s necessary,” I tell him. I have a feeling he’ll make it necessary. That’s the sort of man he is. He knows how to make an opportunity work for him. I’m not hating the idea of a kiss with him, but that’s the problem. This is about business, and it needs to stay about business. No combining business and pleasure; I don’t need to muddy the waters.
“I can live with that. You should know that I’m determined to get you into bed, though.”
Nikki and I choke on our wine at the same time. She starts laughing as Mason pats my back. It takes a moment for me to respond.
“I do appreciate honesty. You can try all you want, but the only love in my life besides my best friend is work.”
“There’s no way you’re a virgin,” he says with wide eyes.
“Oh, this is so much fun,” Nikki says, looking back and forth between the two of us.
I roll my eyes, but ignore his statement. If he wants information about me he’ll have to work much harder to get it. “Why is your ex such a nightmare?” I ask. I’m wondering if there even is an ex. Then again, I have an ex here myself, so it’s not inconceivable. Maybe we could orchestrate a run-in. The look on Bobby’s face would be delicious.
Mason shrugs. “Her name’s Sabrina, like the witch. We dated longer than I normally date a woman, about two weeks, but she was far more impressed by my so-called celebrity status than by me, which I don’t care all that much about, because I’m not looking for wedding bells. But when our time ran out, she didn’t get the message. Now she’s working for the other publishing house my brother is with, and she’s used that opportunity to get close to me any chance she can get. I don’t like being a jerk and I don’t want to make things difficult for Miles, but I want her to go away. I don’t trust her one little bit. She seems to always have an angle.”
“I’ve met a few clingers in my time. It comes with dating,” I tell him. “The funny thing about this situation is that my ex, Bobby, is here as well. He’s not trying to get me back, but he thinks I want him back, and he’s here with his latest squeeze, and driving me a bit insane. They sat in my talk today with their hands all over each other. When my eyes scanned the crowd he was looking directly at me the entire time. I want him to get the hint that I don’t have any desire to be with him. This might help me out.”
Mason’s eyes light up at this. “This will be so much fun. We get to help each other and win a new author. This might just be my favorite conference ever. I might have to write a book after all. Ideas are flowing. Maybe I can outsell dear old Miles.”