“Do you want me to shelve the video? Angel’s already been paid and I don’t mind eating the cost.”
The offer brings tears to my eyes and I blink rapidly to chase them away. “No,” I croak. “I mean, don’t shelve it just for my sake.”
Sebastian’s smile is understanding and sympathetic. “I’ll send the video to Angel and make sure he’s okay with it too.”
Then he reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Hey, if it makes you feel any better, my first video with Christian was like this too. Same thing with Noel and Bellamy.”
I furrow my brow in confusion.
“You know, before any of us were ready to admit our feelings about the other person? It’s hard to hide love.”
My eyes sting with unshed tears and no matter how fast I blink, I can’t keep them at bay. They spill over my lashes as Sebastian pulls me into a hug.
“Oh, Sebby, I’m in so much trouble.”
One of the most important rules when working on a construction site is being aware of your surroundings. There are hazards all over the place—vehicles backing up, cranes swinging things through the air, heavy materials being moved around—if you’re distracted, you’ll get hurt.
“Angel!” Mario grabs my arm, pulling me to an abrupt halt right before I walk straight into the path of an oncoming forklift. “Jesus, man, that’s the third time today. Where the hell’s your head?”
In Brooklyn, with Rhys. But I can’t tell Mario that. “Sorry, just… have a lot on my mind.”
“Yeah?” He nudges me forward once the forklift passes. “Like what?”
Shoot. I shouldn’t have said that. “Nothing, just stuff at home.”
“Sabrina and the baby?”
“Uh, yeah.” It would’ve been a good excuse if my ears weren’t my own personal lie detector. They heat up, the tips turning red.
I hope Mario doesn’t notice as we run across the street to grab coffees from the local deli.
“How are they doing?” Mario asks as we wait our turn to be served at the counter.
“Uh, they’re fine?”
He casts a sideways glance at me, clearly confused. “But you just said…”
Crap. My ears burn hot and I scratch my jaw through my beard. “Yeah, uh…”
Mario turns to face me fully, arms crossed over his chest. “Dude, you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“I’m fine, I just?—”
The guy behind the counter waves us forward, thank the lord, and we place our orders for coffees. But if I think the short break will distract Mario enough to forget his question, I’m wrong.
It’s the middle of September and the hot summer weather has cooled into a breezy fall. It’s the perfect temperature to stand outside, sipping our coffees and watching pedestrians walk past. Mario and I take up spots at the end of a row of other guys taking their breaks.
“So,” Mario starts up again the second we’re settled. “I got a feeling this ain’t about Sabrina and the baby.”
I scrunch up my face. I mean, I could technically make it about my sister and my nephew. Needing extra money to support them was the reason why I agreed to do gay porn in the first place.
But I didn’t get paid to go watch Rhys at The Bronzed Rail. I didn’t get paid to drive him home. I wasn’t even thinking about money when Rhys and I… in my truck… yeah.