I hack the sheriff’s database and log into the CCTV system. I know we could call and ask, knowing the sheriff is family, but there’s just not enough time.
There are two ways out of Summer’s farm, and both have CCTV cameras connected to the sheriff’s office. The first one shows Nina arriving in a white pickup truck, wearing a big hat, hoping to hide her face but failing, and then there’s no more activity.
I check the other camera and tense, seeing the white pickup speeding down the road, my girl in the open back, unconscious.
Anger courses through me and I let it manifest as I follow the truck with each camera throughout town, past the cliff that overlooks the town, and past the “Thank You For Visiting” sign for Huntersville, while my brothers, Quinn and mother watches.
Quickly, I note the time she drives out of town, hack the Codington camera system, and pull up that time frame. I find the white truck instantly and follow it to Old Man Trevor’s warehouse.
“Fuck me,” Snake rasps.
Old Man Trevor is smuggling drugs. It’s something we’ve been watching, but because he hasn’t been selling them in our town, we haven’t gotten involved, but have been tipping off their sheriff.
He’s very aware of everything that happens in that warehouse, which means the fucker opened his doors to Nina.
“Looks like Old Man Trevor is about to lose his business,” Sniper snaps, and I nod as I watch Nina grab my girl by her hair and thump her down off the truck, after struggling to drag her off. My breathing picks up when she struggles to drag my girl inside, not caring about the baby. I stand with such force my chair smashes against Snake and Sniper, who both grunt but don’t say anything.
With a head full of ideas on how to kill this bitch slowly, not caring that we don’t torture women, I shove away from my desk and rush out of the room.
When I enter the common room, I shout, “Doc, I need you!” while running toward the door. He quickly rushes after me, shouting for Kennedy to get the medical room ready.
With my dad, Sniper, Snake, Breaker, Tats, and Doc at my back, we rush out of the club to our bikes while Snake orders Phil and Paul to follow him in the club's SUV.
Not even five minutes later, we spin out of the club's parking lot, speeding toward Codington, hoping to half the fucking thirty-five-minute drive.
I rev my bike, going as fast as I can, without a thought for my safety. My brothers and father keep up, as does the SUV, Paul flooring it behind us.
Worry hits me hard.
If my girl loses that baby…. Fuck! It takes us twenty minutes before we get to the warehouse, and the fucking white pickup truck is gone.
Panic hits me because we didn’t pass it, and I quickly jump off my bike, Snake just catching it.
“Breaker, Sniper, continue riding and see if you can find the pickup,” I hear Snake shout, and then bikes revving off down the road as I run into the warehouse.
The room is full of boxes, and it’s quiet. Too fucking quiet.
Please, please, please….
My eyes scan the room before stopping on my girl’s unconscious and extremely still form.
“Fuck….” I gasp and run over to her, several feet pounding behind me.
I skid to the floor next to my girl, who’s only in her bra, covered in blood. Her hands are chained to a metal pole. Panic hits me when I notice her lips blue.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…. Doc, her lips are blue.” I panic, and Doc shoves me out of the way.
“David, bring me the clean towel now!”
Snake grabs hold of my arm tightly.
I watch in horror as Tats uses bolt cutters and cuts through the metal around my girl’s wrists. Doc checks between her legs, causing bile to rise with how much blood is pouring from her body.
As soon as Tats gets her free, Doc pulls her so she’s lying flat, then starts CPR.
“Please, Angel. Don’t leave me,” I plead as Snake grips my arm, keeping me back.
“Come on, Brook,” Doc rasps as he does compressions.