I shake my head. The longer he continues, the less chance she’ll survive.
Squeezing my eyes shut, and I fucking pray, hoping I don’t lose her.
I start to count in my head, and every memory between us, the good and the bad, all hit me at once like a movie. The lost time we had, the whore I fucked to punish her when I thought she went home with someone else. The way she looked at me like I was her world, the laughs, the way her fingers would rub against my beard and grip my hair….
“I’ve got a pulse, let’s move now!” Doc shouts, and I open my eyes, gasping.
Snake holds me tight. “He’s got her back, brother. She’s back….”
I nod as David and Paul gently move Brook onto a backboard that we leave in the SUV, before lifting her. I go to follow, but Doc stands in front of me.
I cringe, seeing her blood all over him. His eyes soften. “I don’t know how bad she’s going to be, brother, and I’m not exactly sure how long she coded before we got here. You need to expect the worst.” My tears fall. Snake grips me tighter, and Doc rasps, “What you need to do is find that fucking baby. It's six weeks premature and wasn’t very big in the last scan. You need to go find your son or daughter. Call Sniper and see where he is, then track the cameras, brother. I’ve got your girl, and I promise I’ll do my best to save her.”
Everything in me fights, wanting to follow my girl, but I know she’ll want our baby back, dead or alive.
I nod, tears soaking my cheeks, and Snake rasps, “I’ll be with you, brother, and Tats will go with Doc and Brook.”
I nod again, my voice not working. Snake and Doc move to leave, but I don’t, I stay still, my eyes going to where my girl was laying.
“Tech, let’s go!” Doc snaps, and I give him a nod and rush over to them. When I’m close, I grab the blow torch out of Snake's belt and torch the box closest to us, making the brothers laugh as it instantly bursts into flames. I sneer at the room before we leave.
My breath leaves me when I see the SUV is one, and Doc rasps, “I told them to leave to get a head start; it’ll only take me five minutes to catch up, and Quinn’s dad is already at the club waiting with Ken and Vi.” I nod, and he pats my back. “Go fucking find your baby, brother, and I’ll go save your girl.”
I nod again, my voice still not working, as he rushes over to his bike, quickly mounts it, and then speeds off.
Images of Brook lying on the concrete floor, covered in blood, flashing before me, making me suck in a breath.
“Brother, you need to snap out of it; it’s time to find your baby,” Snake rasps, squeezing my shoulder.
I nod, and croak, “Call Sniper, brother.”
Snake nods sharply, getting his phone out while I grab mine and bring up the camera feeds. I skip the hours Nina stays here with Brook until I see her rushing out with my baby, who is not even wrapped up in her arms. I watch as she carelessly places my baby on the seat, and then climbs in herself, speeding off.
“I-I don’t think the baby is going to survive, Hunter,” I croak, and Snake grips my shoulder, clearly seeing what I saw.
He whispers, “Let’s not think that right now. Follow the feed, brother, let’s get rid of this bitch, and I’ll get Timmy and Colt to head this way. The bitch can ride back with that traitorous bitch you killed. Sniper said they’re thirty miles south of here.”
I nod again and do as he says, all while feeling like I can’t fucking breathe.
If I lose this baby and my girl, then I’ll fucking followthem….
Beep, beep, beep….
I groan, my head pounding, my body aching….
"Brook?" a voice says, but they sound so far away.
"Brook, it's Doc. Open your eyes for me, darling,” Doc rasps. I groan again, trying to open my eyes. "That's it," he continues. "Just open your eyes, darling."
My eyes feel like they are glued shut.