Gently, much more gently than I thought with how angry he seems, he cups my cheek, his thumb rubbing the yellow bruise along my cheek bone.
"What the fuck happened to your face, Angel?" he asks, his tone deadly.
I swallow hard ,and whisper, "Nothing that matters, James."
His nostrils flare, and his hand curves around my hip, gripping me. Leaning his head down so his nose nearly touches mine, his scent washes over me, and I melt into his hold.
"Who do I need to kill, Brook?" he asks with fury.
I chew the inside of my lip. I know I can't tell him; I won't destroy his family, even if his momma is the devil incarnate.
Swallowing hard, I lie to him for the first time, "I fell down the metal steps a few weeks ago. I cracked a rib and bruised my face. I'm okay, my love."
“My love” slips out, and of course, he notices it, because his grip tightens before he presses his lips against mine, but all too soon, he pulls back.
His eyes take in my face, then he nods and states, "You and I, we're not done, Angel. You might not want to fight for us, but I do." His fingers gently run along my jaw as he whispers, "I left before you woke because I knew you'd need time to process. I love you, Brook, and I refuse to lose you over that bitch and, baby, don’t lie to me again, I’m not stupid, you didn’t fall down the stairs. But don’t worry, I’ll find out the truth, one way or another."
He kisses me again, lingering for a beat, before pulling back. With one long look at my face, his hand caressing my jaw, he backs away from me, and then leaves.
I freeze in my spot, his words going over and over in my head, my stomach tightening.
He thinks I don't want to fight for him, but I do, I just…. Being nearly raped because of your love's own mother, it's hard, and I know he won’t find out, not unless Breaker tells him, which I know he won’t.
Shaking my head, I round my desk, deciding to do some paperwork, my appetite gone. I look up when my door opens again. I scowl, seeing Nina and Carol.
"You both can turn round and get out now!" I snap, ready to grab my chair and swing it at them.
Nina smirks while Carol clears her throat, "Look, Brook, I know you're a lovely girl from a good family, but Nina, she belongs with my son. He's bound for great things, and those are with her. It's time for you to move on, because I know he did.” Her eyes soften toward me and admits, “Last week, he slept with a clubwhore, and then allowed his ex, Faith, to give him a blow job. He doesn't love you; if he did, then he wouldn't have done that." She sighs. "He and Nina are now spending a lot of time together, and I won't have you get in the way. Move on, Brook, please. Find someone who won’t hurt you the way he has."
He what?
Bile rises at her words as she opens her purse and takes out a white piece of paper—a flipping check.
Holy…she's trying to pay me off.
Walking toward me, she places the slip on my desk facing up, and I nearly choke at the number.
Is she insane?
Carol turns and walks out the door without another word, and Nina snarls, "Take the money and fuck off. Leave the county or else."
I raise a brow at her, showing that I'm not scared, making her sneer, and then she follows Carol like a little sheep.
When the door slams, my eyes go to the check and everything in me breaks as I fall onto my chair. My tears fall, the stress and heartache pulling me down.
He slept with someone else….
The next day, I bite my bottom lip as I look at the clubhouse door. I've lain awake all night, Carol's words and Nina's sneer going around in my head.
He fucked a clubwhore; he let his ex-fling suck him off, all while I cried my eyes out, wishing he was with me, all while I was nearly raped.
I get it; I left him, but what in the hell did he think I would do, or any girl really in my position, when his ex was hanging around like a bad smell, and now, he's screwed someone else!
Frustration and anger build, and I look to my left only to see his bike.