Page 29 of Hawk

I pushed open the door with a grin. “My room is at the other end of the hall, just in case you did want to sleepwalk.” I pointed to the other door. “I made two primaries so my mom would have her own space.”

Her head tilted to the side. “Aw, that’s sweet.” She laughed when I rolled my eyes, but it was interrupted by another yawn. “This place is really homey. Who decorated it?”

“My sister and mom decorated it.”

I showed her the second guest room, the kitchen, and the office.

“This is a lot of house for one person.”

“I’m a big person, though. And I like having space for myself. I wasn’t gonna pay a small fucking fortune for a shoebox.”

“Good point.” Laura was quiet for a long time as I ran her through what she needed to know to live with me.

“What are you thinking so damn loud about?”

She sighed. “I’m just wondering how your mom and sister feel about you being a biker.”

“My mom worries about me, but basically they feel the same way you do.” It was a low blow, but she hadn’t hidden what she thought of bikers.

“What? How do I think about you?”

“Oh, come on, Laura. Don’t deny it now just because I’m extending you hospitality.” I flashed a smile that faded when I saw the frown on her face.

“I’m not denying any damn thing,” she insisted, and shoved my chest. “I’m not judging you, dammit, but your job is really scary. Really fucking scary.” She shook her head before she pushed me again. “I’m grateful you came to my rescue when no one else did, but only a crazy person would do that.”

I absorbed her words and stared at Laura for a long minute until I knew she was serious. She wasn’t judging me, she was worried about me. I leaned in close and smiled. “You said brave wrong.”

“No, I didn’t. There’s a fine line between the two, and you live your life tap dancing on that line.” Her lips tugged into a lopsided grin. “Which I appreciate, but I stand by what I said.”

Fuck, she was so goddamn pretty when she was all fiery and defiant. I fought the urge to lean in a little more and take another taste of her lips, but another yawn cracked her jaw, and I knew she needed to sleep. Instead of kissing her, I pulled back and smiled at her steel spine. “My mom would like you.”

Her mouth opened and then closed before it opened again. And then closed again.

I laughed and shook my head. “I’ll let you get settled. Towels are in the closet in the bathroom.” And now all I would be thinking about for the rest of the night was Laura in the shower, naked body soaped up and glistening.


This was my dumbest idea to date.

Chapter Fourteen


What the hell did that even mean—My mom would like you? What was I supposed to say to something like that? Did it mean that he wanted me to meet his mom? That I would meet her?

I had no idea and I spent too damn long standing in the doorway, watching Hawk’s big body as he walked away from me. His ass really was a thing of beauty. Then again, so was the rest of him. He was tall and all lean muscle and long hair. And he had me all twisted up sexually and emotionally.

“Get it together, girl.” I closed my eyes and shook my head, and when I opened them again, Hawk was gone.

Thank goodness.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I was wide awake, so I decided to unpack my clothes and put them away. The second primary suite had an armoire, a dresser, and even a closet, which I took full advantage of when I spotted the clothes hangers, surely bought by his mom or sister.

I didn’t bring much with me because I had no idea how long I would be here, but it was enough to get me through a week, more if I needed it to. It felt weird as fuck staying with a man I hardly knew. Then again, I’d already had sex with him, and unlike some other people in my life, he hadn’t wasted any time getting to the hospital. He’d come when I needed him, and even though this was all pretend—mostly—he was proving to be someone I could trust.

Yeah, this was all kinds of fucked up and complicated. But for now, at least, it was my life.

“Shower. I need a shower.” There was about fifteen hours of grime on my body. The bathroom was magnificent, decorated in shades of brown and green, and had a glass shower stall with a waterfall showerhead. “Wow.” I wasted no time cranking the water to hot and letting the whole room steam up while I quicky undressed. The water was wonderfully hot, and the pressure was perfect as it beat against my skin.