She said nothing for a long minute, opening and closing her mouth as her arguments came and went silently. Finally, her gray gaze narrowed, and she huffed. “Fine.”
“Good,” I said, trying and failing to hide a satisfied smile. “Great.”
“This doesn’t change anything.”
I dimmed my smile and nodded. “Agreed.”
“Good,” she replied, and turned her back to me.
“But knowing how your pussy tastes, does.”
She stumbled and then froze before she took off upstairs to collect her things together.
I laughed to myself, thinking about how much fun it was just being around the feisty nurse. Had I ever had so much fun with a woman who wasn’t on her knees with my cock in her mouth? Or about to be?
The answer came quickly. Hell no, because I didn’t have that kind of fun with women. That was reserved for my club brothers, but fuck if I didn’t like it.
A lot.
Thirty minutes later, Laura came downstairs with four bags and a tired grin. It looked like she was packed for a vacation—a long one. I resisted the urge to comment, but instead, kept the elation I felt about her crashing at my place to myself.
“Okay. Ready.”
I gave a short nod and took the bags from her, storing them in her trunk.
“You wanna stick my address in your GPS?”
“I don’t have a navigation system in my car,” she answered. I was about to comment, when she added, “I’m mostly just driving around Steel City which I know like the back of my hand.”
“Follow me and don’t let anyone get between us. Be aggressive if you have to.”
“Stop telling me what to do,” she muttered, before slamming her door shut and starting the car.
I smiled as I got on my bike and led the way home. I took the ride home to think about what I was doing, bringing her into my personal space. It was a dangerous move. Not to my life, but the heart I’d been protecting since I was a kid. Being too close to people who were outside the club was dangerous. It was a weakness, the kind that ended up with people hurt. Or dead.
But I’d already extended the invite, and it was the right move. It still didn’t sit right with me that someone had tried to run her over at work and then kicked in her front door. It was almost as if someone just wanted to scare her, and that didn’t make sense. Los Ochos knew she was scared already, so they had no reason to do it, which meant it could be another of our enemies.
After an unsettling ride, where I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure Laura was still following me, I pulled off to the road that led to my house.
“Fuck,” I muttered to myself, and parked my bike closer to one side of the driveway to make room for Laura.
“I’m tired and cranky right now, Hawk, but I appreciate you letting me stay with you.”
“I appreciate you only giving me a little bit of shit before agreeing.” I took the bags from her. “Come on, I’ll give you the twenty-five-cent tour.” I felt her behind me, and when I looked back, she was staring at my ass. “Like what you see?”
“Duh. You have a fabulous backside, especially in jeans. As if you don’t know it.”
“I do know it, but it’s nice to hear it once in a while.” I winked and gave her a tour of the ranch house I bought a few years ago so that my mom and sister would have a place to stay when they visited that wasn’t the clubhouse. “You can take this suite. It has its own bathroom, so you’ll have all the privacy you need.”
“We’re not sharing?” she sounded curious, and to my satisfaction I saw a brief flash of disappointment cross her pretty face.
“I didn’t want to be presumptuous, plus you’ve had a long and shitty day. You probably want to get some shut eye rather than have a horny biker’s cock jabbing you in the ass all night.”
She giggled at that, “I don’t know, maybe that sounds like fun.”
My cock all but jumped to attention with that comment, but then she let out a yawn.