Page 81 of Sweet Anarchy

We look over at Jimmy, bile rising in my throat. I've seen enough dead bodies to last me a lifetime.

The squeal of tires scares the shit out of me, making me jump. I instantly relax when I spot the Jeep screeching to a halt behind the bikes.

Asher, Blake, Zayn and Chuck jump out of the vehicle, rushing between bikers towards me. Asher reaches me first, slamming me into his chest.

I stumble back, holding onto him as he hugs me tight.

"Thank God, you're okay," he says.

"Ash, I can't breathe," I manage to mutter. He pulls back, checking me over.

Zayn kisses my forehead while Blake grabs my face, turning me to look at him. His grey eyes check over me, relief flooding his face.

"I'm okay," I tell them, leaning into Chuck as he wraps his arms around me from behind. "I'm fine."

"If he wasn't already dead, I'd put a fucking bullet in him myself," Blake growls, glaring down at Jimmy.

I close my eyes, taking a moment to focus on the present. When I open them again, I look over at Butch, who's speaking into his phone.

He hangs up, turning to the other bikers.

"Mack and Bill are in the industrial area. They have found some of the other Norsemen. Head that way. Some are apparently fleeing."

There's murmurs between them as they mount their bikes, all of them taking off in a line of progression. Butch stays behind, lingering to the side.

"We'll get this cleaned up," he says, motioning to Jimmy. "My guys have two others down the road. A few went down the mountain. Dead, I presume."

"Are the other ones alive?" I ask slowly.

Butch keeps a straight face. "Best you don't know, Lee."

Asher walks over to his car, inspecting it. "Fucking bastards. They fucked the back up."

"Small price to pay," Zayn muses, kissing my knuckles. "Come on. Let's get you out of here."

Chuck heads over to the Aston Martin. "I'll come with you," he tells Asher.

Asher looks at me, hesitating like he wants to stay with me. He nods, giving me a small smile before turning to Chuck. "Okay, brother."

My heart swells a little, Chuck giving him a smile as they climb into the Aston Martin as Zayn and Blake lead me over to the Jeep. I look back at Butch, concerned.

"Are you going to be okay here on your own?"

Butch nods. "I'll be fine. Go home, Lee. We'll take it from here."

I climb into the back of the Jeep, surprised when Blake climbs into the back with me. Zayn pouts for a moment, before resigning and slipping into the driver's seat.

"I just need to be next to you," Blake says quietly, linking his hand with mine. "I need to hold you."

"I've got no problem with that," I smile, leaning against him.

Zayn pulls the Jeep onto the road, driving carefully. We pass a group of Rebels and Nomads, the metal barrier wrapped on one side, and two fallen bikes on the other as they surround what I can guess is the Norsemen. I swallow, closing my eyes to shut out the scene.

It feels like the longest drive home, but I feel at ease finally, knowing we survived this time.

We barely survived last time, so a few bumps and scratches is a small price to pay.

"You're shaking," Blake says.