My eyes shoot open and I look at my hands, noticing the tremor. "Oh."
"Adrenaline," Zayn chips in from the front. "We'll get you a strong drink when we get home. I know I could use one."
"They managed to corner the rest of the Norsemen," Blake says, looking up from his phone.
I'm a little buzzed, a bottle of white wine in my lap. I decided to drink straight from the bottle, because I'm classy like that. The five of us are sitting downstairs in the mancave, drinking while we wait for news.
"And what's the verdict?" I mumble, a little slurred.
"Norsemen have officially disbanded. The ones who tailed you were the higher ups. Once the rest of the club found out, they either bolted or asked for a truce. They agreed to disband and leave the area immediately."
I look at him, surprised. "Wow, bikers have mercy. Who would have known?"
Chuck laughs, putting his feet up onto the coffee table. "You know we do."
"So, it's over?" I ask, my toes digging into Asher's lap as he rubs my feet.
Zayn grins. "It's over, baby. We won."
"I do love to win," I say, feeling like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
"So do I," Asher murmurs. "How about we play a little game, Ry? Winner takes all."
I smirk at him, putting the wine bottle on the ground. "You're on, Asher. Come on – do your worst."
Six Months Later
"You made it!" I grin excitedly, my eyes widening.
"Of course, I did, doll. I wouldn't miss this for the world," Tara says, looking around. "You've done good. I'm a proud mama bear."
Mike gives me a fist bump. "You won't believe what the old girl has been up to," he teases, wiggling his eyebrows.
I look at Tara suspiciously. She rolls her eyes, sending a death glare at Mike.
"Dev and I got engaged."
"What?" I gasp, looking down at her hand. There's a simple gold ring on her finger that she hides out of view.
"I told you, I don't want to make a big deal out of it," she scalds Mike. "Courthouse wedding, that's all. Nothing too big, like George's was."
I grin, remembering his wedding from a few months back. "I'm sad he couldn't come tonight, but I'm so happy he's away travelling with his wife."
Tara looks around the room, nodding. "He would have loved it. So, your very own bar…"
I glance around, smiling. "Yep. As you can see, I've taken a little inspiration from Febri's, as well as the bar that used to be here."
I finally decided a few months ago that college wasn't for me. I couldn't dedicate myself to years of study again, but I did manage to spend some time learning about business management on the internet. After missing Wheels and having somewhere to hang with my friends, I thought 'fuck it' – I'm going to open my own bar.
The owners of Wheels were more than happy to sell me the land, after we tracked them down through mutual contacts. The hardest part though was getting a loan for the sale and the rebuild. The banks didn't want to touch me because I had no savings, no job and no assets. When Blake offered to give me money, I argued firmly – the two of us finally agreeing on making it a loan. We got attorneys involved, drafting up contracts so I could make sure it was all done properly. Once I had the investment, it was just a matter of engaging a builder and designer.
And four months later, my baby is finally ready for opening tonight.
"Where did the name come from?" Tara asks, looking at the neon sign on the wall. "Bobbie's."