Page 59 of Sweet Anarchy

Blake raises an eyebrow at his temperamental younger brother. "Been a long time since anyone kicked your ass at this game."

"Asher was the champion growing up," Zayn tells me when he sees my confused face. "Not anymore though."

Asher does his weird version of a pout, glaring at Chuck. "I'll get you next time."

"Boys are weird," I mumble. "Yeah, it was quick. I suppose it helps that it was already planned. I think Phoebe and her family want to lay him to rest quickly. Will you guys come with me?"

They all answer a resonating yes, nodding. I smile at them sadly, leaning my head against Zayn's shoulder. "Thanks. I don't want to go alone."

"We've got you, babe," Zayn says. "We just need to speak to Bill in the morning, but it will be really quick."

"Has anyone heard anything from the Norsemen?" I ask, looking around.

Blake shakes his head. "Radio silence as expected. The crew is currently trying to figure out their whereabouts. They will be laying low, but still around. We don't expect to see or hear from them for a bit. Hopefully it's been enough to make them realize they are outnumbered."

"It would be nice if they would just vanish completely," Asher grumbles. "Fucking psychos."

I nod. "I wish they would. It's probably not that simple though. I don't think we should get too comfortable."

"I think we're safe at the moment. Let's just focus on your friend's Dad and we can worry about that later," Chuck says.

"Speaking of Dads," I start, looking at Blake. "How did your conversation with Gareth go? Did they leave?"

Blake puts his controller down on the coffee table, sitting back. "Yeah, they have gone back to the ranch. It was a pretty shit conversation. He lectured us, interrogated us… the usual. But they seemed to be accepting it, I think. I told them to give us some space for a while and we will give them some. Maybe in a few weeks we can all sit down again as a group and talk about it."

"Accept is probably a strong word," Zayn laughs. "More like, we told him they had no choice. But he seems pretty happy that we're staying and not running off again. I think he's trying to see it as a blessing."

"I can't believe they are moving away permanently," I say. "They must really love that stupid ranch."

Blake shrugs. "I think they want to start the retirement process and just enjoy themselves. No one wants to live with their adult children. Especially when they are all fucking."

"You make it sound worse than it actually is," I snap. "We're not just fucking."

Zayn chuckles. "You're feisty today, babe."

I sit up, removing my head from him. "I'm not feisty. Gosh, why do men assume women overreact? I'm just saying. This means something to me and it's being spoken about like it's nothing."

"No one is saying that," Asher interjects with a frown.

I stand up, moving away from them. I have no idea why I feel on edge today. Maybe it's the lack of sleep lately since the nightmares have returned. Or maybe it's Ronnie's funeral. Or maybe just the fact every single thing in my life seems so complicated.

I'm getting so fed up with being dealt blow after blow.

"It just seems like everyone thinks this is just some usual out of control Rylee thing. I'm sick of it."

I head up the stairs, stomping my feet. Probably not the best reaction after accusing them of thinking I'm overreacting about things.

I hear Asher say 'What the fuck' all confused and I don't blame them, but I'm still overwhelmed. I wish I could be carefree and so relaxed about everything like they can, but I can't.

"Whoa, hold up," Zayn says from behind me as I head towards the den. "What's going on, pretty girl?"

I ignore him, not wanting to talk about it anymore. He grabs my arm, stopping me.

"Rylee, come on now. Talk to me."

The use of my full name pisses me off too and I tug my arm away from him. "Stop it, Zayn."

Zayn runs ahead of me, standing in front as he blocks my path. "Baby, I know you're stressed but you just need to chill out."