Page 91 of Sensual Abduction

“Ooh, can I sleep in my playroom?” Rabbit asked me.

“Not tonight, rab. There’s no bed in there. Besides, princesses belong in big beds, right?” I asked her.

“They do! Do we live here now?”

“Not yet… in due time I hope.”

“Mommy, can we live here with Papa Ahmad? This house is so big and cool!”

“Uh, we’ll think about it, baby. Right now, you need to be in bed.”

“Okay, but tomorrow you’ll have an answer?”

Bunny sighed. “Sure, my love. Now let’s hit it.”

We both followed her up the stairs and into one of the spare rooms. I was already thinking about “Purple-izing” everything in there.

“Goodnight, my sweet baby.”

“Wait, you didn’t read my bedtime story, Mommy.”

“Your books are back at the house, babe.”

“Then make-pretend one. Papa Ahmad tells the best stories!”

I laughed. “I got you, Rabbit.” I sat on the bed as Bunny sat on the other side of her.

“Once upon a time, there was this diva drama queen—”

“Oh, my goodness. This is going to be a long night.”

“Mommy, shhh. You’re ruining the image in my brain.”

“Ut! Fine. Continue, Mr. Dope Storyteller.”

“Hater. Anyway…”

I continued until Makari was knocked out. Once we made it safely out of the room, I scooped Bunny up as she laughed and wrapped her legs around me. I took her down to the main floor, then traveled down to the basement.

“OG, turn the lights on in the basement.”

“Initiating lights.” I placed Bunny on her feet as she looked around.

“It’s the robot talking for me. You and your gadgets.” She laughed. “This place is like a vacation home. I’ve always dreamed of me and Kari living in a huge home with a Pomeranian named Poppy.”

“Your dream could always be your reality. You have access to that now, but I don’t want to pressure you.”

“What are you saying?”

“Rabbit wants a home… I’m not even talking about in a physical sense. She wants us to live here and be a family. I had this house built for that reason alone. Granted, I didn’t think you would be the one, hell, I didn’t think anybody would be the one. I guess I just liked the idea of it because I felt like I never really had it. And since you are here, there’s no one I would want to share this life with more than you and Rabbit.” She stepped into my space and placed her hand on my cheek.

“I absolutely love this place. I love you, and there is nothing I wouldn’t want more than to live out my dreams with you…”


“My job, my friends, and Makari’s school is all back in Hashtown. There’s no way I can uproot us so quickly—”

“Bunny, all of those things are easy fixes. Are you afraid that we’re moving too fast?”