Nala sighed as she played with her fingers.
“You’re right. I guess I am being a little over the top. My baby deserves everything good in this world, so I don’t mind you accommodating and showing up for her in a way her asshole father never would have. I just don’t want her to think just because she cries for it, that she can get it or rush anyone to do anything. That’s not how this works.”
“That’s true, baby. I don’t have children, so I don’t know how this works. School ya man on some shit, and I’ll school you on how being your own boss works.” I walked around the counter and turned her seat toward me. Running my fingers through her natural hair, I pulled her face to mine and kissed her lips. “I promise to stand behind you when she starts being demanding. We’ll tell her the rules and if she doesn’t follow them, I’ll try to refrain from giving it to her anyway.” I smiled in amusement as she laughed.
“You think you’re so cute.”
“I’m not?”
“You are, and I don’t think you’re beautiful, I think you’re beyond it.” This fucking girl, man. I chuckled at her trying to finesse me with Wayne lyrics. “But I’ll still kick your cute ass if you go against me.”
“We got all the space and opportunity to fuck it out.”
“You’re such a freak. Do you have a secret sex den in this place or somethin’? Do I get my own personal Christian Grey?” I wiggled my eyebrows at her as I took her by the hand. “Wait. Do you, really? You kind of remind me of him in a sense.”
I laughed. “Bunny, carry ya ass. The only reason I know who that nigga is, is because I actually read the book. Now, come on. I want to show you the wine cellar.”
“As if this place could be any fancier. What is your net worth?”
I laughed again. “My net worth? Really?”
“I mean, is it a dumb question or something?”
“Nah, I’ve just never had anyone ask me that before.”
“Well, you don’t really talk to anyone like that either, but I’d like to know.”
“Shit, I don’t know. The last time I checked my bank statement, it was a little over seventy million.”
“Sev—Ahmad! No way!”
“You love saying my name, don’t you?” I bit my lip as I smiled at her.
“Don’t be cute! What the hell did you do to make all of that? Assassinate presidents?”
I laughed hard at that.
“It ain’t really shit, baby. It’s just money to me. The shit can’t replace my desire to feel authentic love.”
I didn’t mean for that to slip out, but I wasn’t going to cower behind it. Bunny gave me that sense of peace to where I could be transparent with her and not feel judged.
“But nah, most of my money went into investments and stocks. I told myself once I left the game, that I’d do something with the money I’d obtained. So, I started investing… Bitcoin, airlines, and some restaurant chains. It’s been five years, so yeah, that’s how much I’ve made over that course of time.”
“Wow… I’m dating an actual millionaire. This is crazy,” she said, shaking her head. I knew it wasn’t the money she cared about. She was genuinely surprised.
“From a bum to a millionaire, imagine that.” I laughed. “I thought ya boy was working with something.”
“Please. Compared to you, that nigga was a thousandaire.” We both laughed as I took her hand and led her to the cellar.
The night had fallen upon us as we sat in the movie theater watching Moana for the fiftieth time. We had any snack we could think of sprawled on the table. When I tried to put the snacks in order, Bunny mixed it all up and shooed me away. I felt a small urge to fight her on it, but I allowed her to take control. She told me it was about having balance. If she could deal with my slight OCD then I could deal with her being unorganized.
After that, Rabbit and I got into our karaoke mode and enjoyed our movie night.
“It’s so crazy to me how you know the songs already,” Bunny said, laughing as me and Rabbit rapped along to Maui’s part.
“I killed an eel, I buried his guts, sprouted a tree, now we got coconuts. What’s the lesson? What is the takeaway, don’t mess with Maui when he’s on the breakaway…” Rabbit and I rapped in unison as Bunny laughed and shook her head.
“Okay, little miss Moana and Mr. Maui. It’s time for bed.”