I notice that Ryker’s dark brown hair is still a little damp, probably from the shower, and it looks a couple of shades darker than usual.
“What is he doing here?” I scowl.
Jagger’s smile is pleading. “Ryker has something to say to you and it would mean a lot to me too if you could hear him out.”
I reluctantly step away from the door, letting the two men into my room.
“So,” I say, taking a seat on my chair and indicating that they can sit on my bed. “What do I owe the pleasure of this unannounced visit?”
My tone is sarcastic and I totally chose the chair because it makes me feel in a position of power.
“Before we talk,” Jagger says, opening the box on his lap. “Why don’t we have something to eat? We also bought Tilly’s famous milkshakes to wash down the donuts.”
I hadn’t noticed that Ryker is carrying a drink holder with three jumbo drink cups.
My stomach contracts with a pang of hunger and I look at the donut selection.
I don’t know how Jagger knows that maple bacon donuts are my favorite, but I grab one only to brush against Ryker’s fingers when he goes for my same sweet treat.
I narrow my eyes at him and rather than arguing with me like he always does, he lets go of the pastry as if it was burning his fingers.
“Ladies, first.” He says, his ice blue eyes fixed into mine.
The urge to push his buttons is impossible to resist, I’m furious at him for running his mouth and pushing me into the pool last night.
So it’s with evil satisfaction that I sink my teeth into the donut Ryker wanted, making a big show of enjoying the sweet fried dough with maple glaze and the savory, crunchy bacon on top.
I stop mid chew when I notice that the guys are staring at me without eating anything.
“What?” I ask, wondering if there’s maple custard all over my mouth.
A look passes between Jagger and Ryker. It’s like some kind of silent communication I’m obviously not privy to.
Ryker nods, squaring his shoulders like I imagine he does on the ice when an opponent is skating in his direction to steal the puck from him. “I’m sorry.” He blurts out.
I’m so stunned by his words that I shake my head in disbelief. “Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry, Bay,” he repeats. “What happened last night was… an accident. I didn’t meant to push you into the pool.”
God, this guy has the power to make me so mad.
His words do nothing to extinguish my anger, if anything they stoke the flame.
I take another bite of my donut, because it’s freaking delicious, and then I point the half eaten treat at him like a weapon. “What the fuck was that about, Ryker?” I glare. “What gave you the right to judge me for who I hook up with? Now everyone thinks I’m a puck bunny thanks to you.”
“You’re not a puck bunny.” Both men say in unison.
They look at each other again and then Ryker continues. “I’m so sorry for the things I said. I was just shocked when I realized that you were the woman with Jagger in the locker room. I recognized your shoes and…” he closes his eyes as if he was truly ashamed of his actions.
When his eyes reopen, regret and sincerity shine in Ryker’s ice blue gaze, mixed with something else I can’t quite identify.
“I shouldn’t have said anything. I should have kept my cool and asked you if we could talk. In private.”
He nailed it. “And why didn’t you?” I ask, still not convinced he deserves my forgiveness.
“I was hurt,” he admits. “I know I had no right to be, and we barely know each other, but I felt this crazy attraction to you the second we met. I’ve been shamelessly flirting with you, which believe me isn’t something I usually do, and I thought—I don’t even know what I thought. You said you didn’t want anything to do with hockey players and when I realized that you hooked up with Jagger… I felt rejected. It’s no excuse for what an idiot I was, I’m just trying to explain. I handled the way I was feeling like a complete dumb ass, I knew it the second you went back into the house. I should have asked you to talk and waited for a better moment if you weren’t up for it there and then rather than reacting the way I did.”
He stops talking, his blue eyes fixed on me. His jaw is tight, a muscle popping in his cheek. He looks furious and contrite at the same time.