Page 107 of The Bro-code

I sit up, fanning myself because now I’m definitely hot all over. I have to remind myself over and over that Cole doesn’t see me that way.

He has brotherly feelings for me and he’s made it clear more than once.

Restless, I get out of bed deciding to channel my energy into the million things I need to do today.

Of course I need to study to stay on top of my heavy course load and I have a new makeup tutorial to film for my streaming channels. It’s a new sponsorship deal with a brand that has succeeded where everyone else has always failed in my opinion. They have a foundation that’s truly amazing; it gives you a flawless complexion but it’s so light and breathable at the same time.

I probably should text Lake too to confirm that I’m going to drive to Bridgeport next week for the hockey team’s away game. Rather than getting a hotel room, I’ll accept her invitation to stay at the brand new mansion the guys just bought.

I miss my twin sister and I’m looking forward to spending some time with her.

After a quick text exchange with Lakyn, my fingers hover over Jagger’s contact.

He said I could rebound with him and I keep thinking about that hot dream on a loop. If he could spend some time with me this afternoon, he might help me get it out of my system.

There’s no point texting him now though, I know he’s gonna be at practice.

The thought that his teammates might be talking about us—about me—in the locker room inevitably hits me.

I groan, frustrated that I hate the idea that pretty much everyone at last night’s party heard what Ryker said.

I’m not ashamed of what I did and of my deal with Jagger. I just think that what we do behind closed doors is no one else’s business.

The truth is that the popularity that surrounds the hockey team means that rumors and gossip follow these guys everywhere.

I experienced it firsthand when I was dating Topher and I saw it happen even more when Lakyn’s relationship with Cash, Blaze and Luca became public.

That’s exactly why I decided to stay away from hockey players my senior year.

You’re doing an amazing job at that. Not only did you fuck one of them after blowing him in the locker room, you literally live in a house with two dozen hockey players.

I roll my eyes at the voice in my head.

So far this year things have gone in the opposite direction of all the plans I made last summer on Luca’s yacht.

For the most part it was because of forces outside my control, so all I can do is navigate the crazy waters my life has landed into and keep my goals in mind.

Talking about my goals, I need to start on my to do list. I can’t afford the luxury of a lazy Saturday morning.

The good thing about me is that once I put my head down and get to work, I’m efficient. Unstoppable.

The morning turns into afternoon before I know it and I’m so focused on my tasks that lunch time comes and goes and I’m still at work.

Should I finish one more chapter or venture down to the kitchen to get something to eat?

I close my laptop, stretching my arms over my head.

I’m still debating how willing I am to risk running into my ex since hockey practice should be over by now when there’s a knock on my door.

“Hey,” I smile.

I would be lying if I said that I’m not pleased to see Jagger with a box from my favorite donut place in his hands.

“Can we come in?”

We? I crane my neck to see behind his tall, broad frame and my excitement mixes with dread and fury.

Ryker is standing behind Jagger, both men in dark blue Cove Knights joggers and jerseys.