Page 73 of The Bro-code

“You didn’t do anything wrong.” I put him out of his misery. “But what if I do?”

He looks confused. “What do you mean? You have to give me more than that, Bay. I’m a little lost right now.”

Heat rises to my face, suddenly worried about admitting what kinds of thoughts are swirling in my head in a vicious cycle.

“What if I give you the worst blowjob you’ve ever had? I’m a little rusty, I haven’t done it since freshman year.”

Jagger runs slow circles on the sensitive spot behind my ear with the pad of his thumb. “You haven’t? I mean, didn’t you and Topher…”

“I went down on him once when we first started dating. Then I stopped.”

There’s no judgement in his tone, but his question is predictable. “Why? I’m sorry if this is none of my business, but?—”

“Because right after I gave him a bj, he made it clear he wouldn’t return the favor. Like, ever.”

Now Jagger looks positively surprised. “What? Why?”

I shrug. “His only explanation was that he doesn’t like eating pussy.”

It’s Jagger’s turn to shake his head. “He doesn’t like eating pussy? That’s proof that the guy is an idiot. There are very few things more rewarding than seeing your partner come apart because of something you’re doing.”

I agree with him. “True. But at that point, oral was off the table.”

He nods. “That’s fair. He shouldn’t expect you to do something he isn’t prepared to reciprocate.”

That makes me feel better. “I’m glad you agree. Topher was of the idea that I should go down on him without expecting anything in return.”

“On what basis?” he snorts.

“Because I didn’t find the idea revolting.”

Jagger barks out a laugh. “What a fucking tool. I’m glad you stuck to your guns about that, Bay.”

I let out a shuddering breath, lowering my gaze again. “Thanks. But now I’m worried that I’m going to disappoint you tomorrow.”

He coaxes me to look at him, by titling my head back. His eyes are like warm, golden honey. “There’s no way you’re going to disappoint me. There’s really no wrong way to give a blowjob, as long as you’re careful with your teeth.”

I feel slightly better. “Will you tell me what feels good? I really want to do a good… job.”

“That sounds good,” he chuckles. “Now, where were we? I believe I was checking out the sexiest pair of tits I’ve ever seen.”

The heat in his eyes as they skim down to my chest, makes me shudder; this time it’s for all the right reasons though.

The way Jagger looks at me, makes me feel more beautiful than a hundred sessions at my favorite beauty salon.

His mouth glides down my neck, his fingers toying with the spaghetti straps of my dress, lowering them slowly; it’s almost as if he’s trying to give me the opportunity to stop him if I don’t want what he’s about to do.

“Oh.” I gasp when he closes his mouth over my nipple; without my dress in the way, his warm, wet mouth feels incredible.

I don’t even realize that I’m arching my back to give him better access until he leaves one breast to lave the other with equal attention.

“Bay,” Jagger murmurs as he pushes my dress further down my waist. “I think this deal about you blowing me in exchange for a kiss is a little unfair. I want something too.”

I’m a little confused. “You want something? But the whole point was you’re getting the blowjob before the game.”

He nods, looking at me while his hands leave my chest and slip under my skirt, feeling my outer thighs. “I know. But that’s unfair. I think to make things equal, I should get to go down on you right now. It’s only fair that you come too.”

Tears well in my eyes at his sweet offer. I seriously don’t want to be one of those girls who cries in bed. I’ve never understood that when I see it in movies or read it in books. Why would an orgasm make you cry?