The lack of it however is a good enough reason to bawl my eyes apparently.
I’m so stressed. I don’t want to say no, because I want to get closer to Jagger. I definitely want to kiss him again and I know if I say no now, that might never happen.
But I also don’t want to lie to him.
A lump is closing my throat, that’s what years of repressed guilt will do to you, take my word for it.
I don’t feel great about the way I faked my orgasm with Topher and I don’t want to do it now. Whether this is our only hook up or if we’ll do it again, I don’t want to lie to Jagger.
“Don’t worry about that,” I say, pulling him up to touch my lips to his. “It’s not like we’re together. I offered to help with your situation, you don’t have to return the favor.”
“But I want to,” he insists. “A kiss isn’t enough to repay you for what you’re gonna do tomorrow. Please Bay, I want to make you come.”
That just about does it.
His kind tone, the way he’s looking at me—as if I was this precious thing—the attraction that’s making the air between us crackle with electricity.
I burst into tears.
And I spill the beans. I admit how I’ve never had an orgasm. Not with my two sexual partners so far, not by myself.
I tell Jagger how Topher tried pretty much everything—except for going down on me—including sex toys.
Embarrassment makes me cry harder when I admit that after my ex’s comment about how unsexy women who don’t come during sex are, I resorted to faking my orgasms.
Holy shit.
Bay’s confession shocks me to the core.
I’m sure her predicament isn’t as uncommon as one might think among women. However Bay exudes such confidence in every aspect of her life, from her polished looks, to her business acumen, her enviable grades and her popularity. I would’ve never guessed what she just told me.
“Hey,” I do my best to keep my voice low and soothing. “Look at me, Bay. Please.”
Her blue eyes, so shiny with tears, look bigger and darker. “I’m sorry, if you want me to go, I’ll see myself out.”
I hate the way her voice breaks at the end.
“Why would I want you to go?” I ask.
“Because Topher was right that there’s something wrong with me. I promised myself I would never fake an orgasm again and I have too much respect for myself and for you to do it now. So if that puts you off the entire thing, I understand.”
I grab her chin as gently as I can, forcing her to look at me when she tries to avert her gaze. “I don’t want you to go. And the only thing that’s wrong with you is that you didn’t dump Topher when he suggested that not being able to come was your fault and not that he’s useless in bed.”
There’s a beat of silence as Bay considers my words. “That would be true if I could get the job done by myself,” she finally says. “But I tried everything, Jagger. Every sex toy money can buy, my fingers, I even humped my pillow. I watched tutorials, I read books, I watched porn. You name it. I think I don’t even get close. Some stuff feels ok, but nothing like the explosion people talk about. I think the closest I ever came was a weird tingling I felt when my twin sister went on a date with Cash and they—sorry, too much information. You don’t care about my twin sixth sense.”
Just when I thought this woman couldn’t get anymore interesting. “Twin sixth sense? That’s fascinating.”
I lace my fingers through hers, bringing her knuckles to my mouth. “I want to try.”
She misunderstands my words. “Are you a twin? If not, there’s no way you could?—”
“Not that,” I chuckle softly, pulling her against my chest. “I want to try to make you come. Will you let me?”