“I don’t understand. How could you possibly have failed me?”
The explanation comes from Tami. “We aren’t having a war course this year for the Rush Week Fair, but a kissing booth.”
“Come again?” I blink, confused. “We always have a war course. It’s tradition.”
Bianca intervenes. “It’s boring, that’s why we aren’t doing it. A kissing booth is much more exciting and the tickets are already sold out. The proceeds will go to Star Cove Memorial Hospital, toward their new sports medicine center.”
I don’t understand why Bianca is so belligerent toward me. If anyone should be mad, it’s me. I wasn’t the one in her bed, fucking her boyfriend after all.
“It’s a worthy cause,” I say, fighting to remain calm and to sound diplomatic, when in reality I wish we did have a mud pit so I could drown her in it. “But we always give to the Star Cove Women’s shelter and I don’t remember approving a kissing booth. Also, are you running for Master of Ceremonies?”
I know something is going on when none of my sisters looks me in the eye. “Does anyone care to explain what’s happening?”
Bianca’s smile is victorious when she tells me. The bitch is enjoying this.
“The vote to replace the Master of Ceremonies who graduated last year happened on Friday. I ran and won the election.”
That isn’t possible. “How could it have happened this Friday? This is moving in weekend. Summer break doesn’t officially end until tomorrow night. This is why we kick off Rush Week with the fair, it’s a fun event but pledge night won’t be until next weekend when everyone will have moved in for the academic year. That’s when we usually have elections, when all the sisters are back on campus.”
Bianca looks like the cat that got the canary. “This year, we decided to vote before Rush Week.”
What the fuck? “We?” I raise my voice. “Who’s we? Whatever you think you voted on doesn’t stand. There are rules and regulations that we all must abide by. You can’t just vote whenever you want.”
The Dean’s daughter’s smile widens. “That’s where you’re wrong. I read all those rules and bylaws and we had the minimum legal number of sisters back in the house to have a house meeting and an election. I ran for Master of Ceremonies and won. My first initiative as the new master was to do a kissing booth instead of your boring war course for the fair. You would have had a vote if you hadn’t disappeared for the entire summer. And my idea to immediately put the tickets on sale on the university website and on the Greek government website was awesome because we’re all sold out. Before you know it, there’s gonna be a line spanning the length of Greek Row of guys who want to kiss us. You’re welcome.”
I can’t think about anything worse. I mean, eww. Who wants to kiss a bunch of random strangers?
Have you ever been in public and wondered what would happen if you suddenly started screaming? Or if you started doing something wildly inappropriate like scratching your crotch?
Right here and now, I wonder what would happen if I followed my instincts, grabbed Bianca by the top of her red hair and dragged her into the mud pit… wait, we don’t have a mud pit because of her stupid kissing booth.
Besides, I’m still the Zeta President and I need to set an example and not kill one of my sisters. If I ever kill Bianca, I shouldn’t do it with all these witnesses anyway.
“I don’t like this. We aren’t the ΙΑΚs (Iota Kappa Alpha).” I say disdainfully, mocking the skankiest sorority on campus affectionately known as Yucks. “If you wanted to play tonsil hockey with a ton of random guys, you should have pledged them.”
My words miss their intended target. Instead of recognizing that she overstepped, Bianca ups the ante.
“No, I joined the right sorority. We just happen to have the wrong president. A selfish bitch who decided to disappear rather than being here to close the academic year last year. Someone who showed up at the last possible second this year expecting that her sisters did all the work to kick off Rush Week. If I were president, I would have put the Zetas first over my personal issues.”
She says personal issues as if she wasn’t the one who was fucking my boyfriend in my bed.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go curl my hair. I want to look amazing tonight.”
She struts away with her henchman Kylie hot on her heels.
I’m fucking shocked.
“How did she get elected?” I ask more to myself than to Liv, Viv and Tami. “I can’t work with her all year.”
Liv sighs. “I’m sorry, Bay. She ambushed us all yesterday afternoon with that surprise meeting. I told her we couldn’t have a meeting without you, but she was actually right about the bylaws. As long as we have the minimum legal number of sisters in the house, we can meet and hold elections and make official decisions. She must have planned this. She demanded we elect a new master of ceremonies. We tried to stop her but she was backed by most of the sophomores and juniors.”
There’s something Liv isn’t telling me, I can see it in her eyes. “What?” I ask her.
The answer comes from Tami. “Master of Ceremonies wasn’t Bianca’s first choice. She was gunning for the presidency, Bay. She called that meeting yesterday with a motion to remove you as President. She tried to make a case that by taking an extended leave of absence, you neglected your duties as President.”
I open and close my mouth a few times. I’m rarely speechless, but I can’t make sense of what my sisters are just telling me.
“What the actual?—”