Lakyn laughs. “Yeah, but not as much as you think. He agreed to let her go as long as she takes a bodyguard with her and she’s basically staying with the royal family of every country on her itinerary, whether they’re reigning royals or not.”
I’m in awe of the King’s shrewdness. “That’s smart. Between the bodyguard and having her stay with friends, he can keep tabs on her.”
My sister agrees. “Yeah, it’s no surprise he managed to revert his country’s decision to end the monarchy. Luca’s father is a force to be reckoned with. I’m glad he likes me, having him as an enemy is scary.”
“He would be a fool not to like you. You’re perfect for Luca.” I say, wishing I could hug her.
“Thank you sweetie. I need to go, but I promise I’m gonna visit as soon as I have a chance,” she says, reading my mind. “I miss hugging my favorite sister.”
I’m about to give her stick about our obvious twin connection, when I think about something else. “Lake, wait. You said you were gonna do bridesmaids dress fittings. Don’t you need me for that? I’m supposed to be the maid of honor after all.”
The smirk on my twin’s face is as annoying as it is adorable. “Ideally, yes. But I knew you wouldn’t be able to get away during rush week, so we’re doing the next best thing. It so happens that there’s someone who’s your perfect stunt double.”
“Smart ass,” I laugh. “Lake, you better not put me in some hideous color or in a dress that looks like a merengue, or?—”
“Relax, Bay. I know you don’t trust my fashion sense, but Luca’s Mom used to be a top model. She’s appointed herself as my fashion consultant. But I told her in no uncertain terms, that I wouldn’t agree to finalize anything unless it got your approval.”
That’s my girl. “Thanks, Lakey. I’m actually really excited to?—”
Loud, arguing voices attract my attention. They seem to come from the front of the house.
“I need to go, sis,” I sigh. “The girls should be supervising the installation of the war course for our rush week fair out front and by the sound of it, there must be some problem.”
Lake says goodbye, promising to send photos of the bridesmaid dresses for my approval and I look outside as I pocket my phone.
Angry voices reach me from my window.
My Zeta sisters are yelling at each other so loudly, that I can hear them with the window closed and we have double panes all over the house.
What is going on?
And why isn’t my army style war course not installed? I don’t see any tires the aspiring pledges will have to jump, no ropes to climb, no wall to scale, no mud pit.
All I see is some kind of booth on my front lawn. Are we opening a lemonade stand?
The pitch of the arguing goes up a notch, it looks like Bianca is having a disagreement with Liv and I decide to go down and see what’s up.
“No, I don’t like that. Why should she be the star of the event?” Bianca snarls, getting right in Liv’s face.
“Because she’s the President, something you might have forgotten since we came back from summer break.” Liv doesn’t back down.
“This was my idea, so I should be under the spotlight.” Bianca argues.
Liv crosses her arms over her chest. “Then run for president next year and you’ll have your way. Thankfully I won’t be here to suffer through your tenure.”
“You’re such a bitch,” Bianca screams. “My presence in your ranks gives you prestige, I’m the Dean’s daughter.”
Liv has never been able to keep her cool when provoked and this time it’s no exception. “That’s the only reason why we let you pledge to begin with. And why you’re Master of Ceremonies. Are you gonna have your Daddy buy you the presidency next year?”
Master of Ceremonies? What the hell are they talking about?
“Sisters,” I clear my throat. “What’s going on? People will start arriving in a couple of hours and I see no war course. Why are you yelling? If I was someone trying to decide if I want to pledge Zeta Theta Beta, your angry bickering would put me off.”
Liv lowers her gaze, embarrassed. “I’m sorry Bay. You left me in charge and I feel like I’ve failed you.”