“Whatever.” Ryker smirks, taking a sip of his coffee. “Coffee is supposed to wake you up and give you energy. You don’t need all your syrups and whipped cream. Your coffee order is just a poor excuse to have dessert. Besides, black coffee tastes amazing, if you use great quality beans. I grind my own special blend.”
I take a pull from the straw in my Frappuccino with chocolate hazelnut syrup, whipped cream and a dusting of Swiss chocolate on top. “This tastes too delicious to resist. Why not make the most of my morning coffee and enjoy it?”
“One day you’ll regret all the extra calories,” Ryker teases me.
“I know I like candy and sweets,” I admit. “That’s why I work extra hard in the gym, so I can afford to indulge my sweet tooth.”
Ryker shakes his head, his expression amused as we both dig into our breakfast sandwiches.
I got two each because we tend to be hungry in the morning and we have practice soon.
“So,” he says as he unwraps his second sandwich. “Not that I’m complaining about the tasty breakfast, but to what do I owe this surprise visit? What’s so important that you couldn’t wait to talk to me about at practice?”
I see that another thing that hasn’t changed about Ryker is that he’s very direct. I’ve always liked this about him. Beating around the bush is an unnecessary waste of time, especially between friends.
“I was just wondering what happened between you and Bay last night,” I say, taking a page from Ryker’s book and going straight to the point.
“That kissing game seems to have gotten a little out of hand.”
Ryker’s jaw pops, the muscle working as he grinds his teeth. “I guess it did,” he says carefully. “I didn’t mean to throw her into the pool, that was an accident.”
That’s good. It means I don’t have to kick my teammate’s ass or keep Cole from murdering him. “Glad to hear that. But you two seemed to be having an argument moments before. What was that about?”
I mean, I have an inkling about it because Ryker basically yelled at her that he saw her in the shower with me. What I’m trying to understand is why that caused an argument to begin with.
Ryker’s gaze hardens as he looks me in the eye. “Maybe I should apologize to you, Jagger.”
He doesn’t look the least bit apologetic, but I decide to play along. “What for? I have no beef with you. But even if it was an accident, Bay is the one who deserves an apology for being pushed in the pool.”
His jaw pops again. “Yeah, I don’t think so. I can apologize to you for flirting with your girl, but Bay could have told me she was seeing you rather than lying to me about not wanting to date another hockey player.”
Hearing Ryker call Bay my girl is strange. It should make me rush to deny it, like I’ve always done whenever anyone assumed that one of my hookups was something more.
A part of me actually likes the way that sounds. My girl.
I shake my head to banish the crazy thought.
“That doesn’t make any sense. Bay and I are just friends.” I don’t even know if I’m saying that more for Ryker’s benefit or for my own.
“Really?” Ryker snorts. “That’s some friendship, or are you denying that she was the one hiding behind you in the shower yesterday?”
Bay and I had agreed to keep our business on the DL, but since the cat is out of the bag, I confirm it. “Yeah, she was with me yesterday. What I don’t get is why that resulted in an argument between the two of you.”
Ryker balls up the sandwich wrapper, his knuckles turning white with the effort. “Bay and I met before I arrived on campus.”
He tells me how they almost had sex in an aircraft toilet and how Bay got cold feet practically leaving him high and dry and even changing seats to avoid talking to him.
I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little jealous at the thought of them getting it on during a flight. I’m not a member of the Mile High Club and that sounds fucking hot.
“When she ran out of that bathroom, she said she didn’t do hockey players. I was fucking disappointed, but I sorta couldn’t blame her after I saw her again. I understood why she didn’t like hockey players after dating that asshole. I even felt sorry for her. Then I saw her shoes last night, and I recognized them. It was the only thing I could catch a glimpse of behind you. That made me realize that it was nothing but bullshit and I admit I lost my shit. This is why I don’t fucking date. Women are nothing but drama. But I didn’t mean to push her into the pool. Things just got out of hand.”
That means neither Cole or I need to kick his ass. As long as he apologizes to Bay of course.
It’s also interesting how Ryker felt an immediate attraction to Bay. I definitely can’t blame him for that.
“Bay isn’t like that,” I say. “She isn’t into drama and she isn’t a puck bunny.”