Page 106 of The Bro-code

Ryker levels me with a skeptical look. “Look dude, I don’t want to be one of those guys who can’t take no for an answer. Like I said, yesterday things got out of hand. But I’d be careful if you care about her. She was definitely flirting with me even after that bathroom incident.”

“Thanks for the heads up,” I say carefully. “But it isn’t needed. Bay didn’t lie to you about not dating hockey players. Our thing is just a little bit of fun that, right now, serves us both pretty well. She gets to rebound from her ex with someone who won’t hurt her, and I get my lucky bj without caving to the bunnies.”

He considers my words. “No shit,” he says after a beat of silence. “So she wasn’t dissing me or playing games with me.”

I nod. “She wasn’t. And after what happened, she was pretty hurt. I think you should apologize to her.”

There’s another beat of silence.

“I guess you’re right,” Ryker finally relents. “I didn’t mean to push her and I didn’t mean to air your dirty laundry.”

I shrug. “Don’t sweat that too much. Everyone was definitely drunk enough at that point that they either didn’t hear you or they’ll have forgotten by the time they wake up today with a hangover. The proof is that when Bay landed in the pool, people followed her in, thinking it was another party game.”

Ryker looks convinced.

“Hopefully that’s the case. I probably should apologize to Bay.”

Good. My mission is a success.

“I know she’s gonna be home today, she wanted to study. How about we go see her after practice?”

A smile forms on Ryker’s face. “You coming with? What, you don’t trust me I’ll apologize?”

I don’t sugar coat it. “From what you say, you and Bay have been pushing each other’s buttons since the second you met. I just want to make sure this’ll go well. I’m gonna bring donuts too.”

Ryker laughs. “I’ll never understand why you always feed people.”

“Because people with an empty stomach tend to be way more aggressive.” I shrug.

I also felt the tension between him and Bay on a few occasions and I’ll never admit it out loud but I thought those two should fuck. To put it in plain and simple terms, I’m fucking jealous.

I’m not done exploring the attraction between me and Bay and I’m not going to let Ryker get in the way of our deal.

“Come on,” I say, rising from my seat and collecting our trash. “Let’s go to practice. If there’s one thing Coach Harrison hates more than anything is tardiness. Especially when he knows we must have partied the night before.”




Cole’s spot in my bed is empty when I wake up the morning after the party.

He must have gone to practice, their coach rides them extremely hard, rarely allowing the team a day off, even after a victory.

Often he’ll use post-games sessions for physical therapy and watching tapes rather than ice time, but he wants the guys at the arena bright and early.

I’m grateful to Cole for staying with me last night and a part of me is disappointed that he isn’t here this morning. My best friend always looks especially sexy with his blond hair mussed from sleep and a hint of blond stubble on his chiseled face.

This morning however a part of me is grateful that Cole isn’t here. After the dream I had last night, things might be a little awkward until I can get over the lingering feeling of arousal it left me with.

Probably having Cole’s arms around me, his solid body so close to mine, his sexy, clean scent invading my senses didn’t help matters.

The bedsheets still smell like him and I inhale shamelessly, rubbing my thighs together to relieve the throbbing need I woke up with.

The dream felt so real and I wish Cole had really lowered his sweatpants and slipped deep inside me, grinding against me, his fingers playing with my clit…

Oh God.