Page 106 of The Trophy

She sighs and I feel guilty. Maybe it’s unfair of me to ask her to follow me home and not see her own family.

“Believe me, I’d love to. But my dad would be heartbroken if both me and Bay missed his birthday.”

I can’t argue with that. “Is that on New Year’s Day?”

Lakyn nods.

“I’ll tell you what,” I offer. “Maybe you can ask your parents if they mind you leaving after his birthday? I could get our private plane waiting for you whenever you want and then we could fly back to school together. I could arrange for the guys to join us too, if you want.”

She looks tempted. “I don’t know. I haven’t told my parents that I have a boyfriend, let alone three. Let me break the news at least to Mom and then I’ll let you know?”

“Sounds like a plan. If not, you can meet Papà and Heloise when they come for her campus visit after spring break. And we can all go to Montebello in the summer, before moving to Bridgeport.”

Lake’s expression changes. It’s just for a moment, but there’s no way I can miss the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

“Hey,” I reassure her. “Bridgeport isn’t a done deal yet, but our chances are excellent.”

“It’s not just Bridgeport,” she says. “How will your family take our relationship? Assuming you’re going to tell them everything.”

I take her hand into mine, squeezing it before I bring it to my lips to kiss her knuckles. “Let me worry about that. The palace needs to be aware of our situation, so they can help us protect our relationship from the media, at least until we’re settled in our new city. I don’t know how the King will take it.”

The look in her eyes is skeptical. “I don’t think he’s going to be happy, do you? It’s enough that I’m a commoner, but having Blaze and Cash in the relationship too…”

“Lake,” I interrupt her. “It doesn’t really matter. I’m telling him out of a sense of duty and because I don’t want him to be blindsided. But he has no say about any of this. The pro contract will mean I’m going to be financially independent and if he wants me to sit on the throne one day, he has to accept you. If accepting you means accepting Cash and Blaze, then that’s how it’s going to be.”

From skeptical, her expression turns incredulous. “Would you walk away from the throne for me… For us?”

I have no hesitation. “In a heartbeat. Look, I’m not saying this is going to be easy, but times are changing. A few decades ago it was impossible for a crown prince to marry a divorcee. Think about England. Edward VIII had to abdicate to marry Wallis Simpson. King Charles was forbidden to marry Camilla at first. Look where that lead. The scandals during his marriage to Diana and their divorce sunk the royal family’s popularity for a long time. And for what? They’re married now and she’s Queen. I’m not saying that our relationship is common or easy to accept, but if my people have a problem with who I love and how, then I’m not the right person to sit on the throne anyway.”

There’s a beat of silence, then Lakyn nods. “Ok.”

I drag her closer to my side, placing a chaste kiss on the top of her head, when all I want to do is rip her clothes off and show her how much I want her.

The Gamma house is empty and she can scream my name as loud as she wants.

“I think we should go,” I say, looking at the torrential rain that’s still infuriating outside. “I don’t think it’s going to stop raining any time soon.”

Lakyn agrees. “Yeah, but we’re going to get soaked.”

I don’t even try to hide my smirk. “All more reason to go home and order takeout rather than going out. So I can take those wet clothes off of you.”

“But they aren’t wet yet,” she giggles.

“A guy can always hope,” I wink at her. “Come on, if we make a run for it, it shouldn’t be too bad. My car is right outside.”

Lake starts toward the front door. “While I love the idea of you taking my clothes off,” she says, opening a wooden cabinet right by the revolving display of library activity flyers by the door. “I’d rather try not to get totally drenched. Here, Bobbie keeps an umbrella in here just for days like today.”

I take the large umbrella from her, sticking it right in the middle of the two halves of the main door, to make sure that she’s protected once we step outside. “Here you go, my lady. Andiamo (let’s go).”

One of my arms is wrapped around Lakyn’s shoulders as I hold the umbrella in front of us with the other as a shield against the pelting rain.

I push the door open the rest of the way with my knee as we step outside, braving the elements.

A flash of lightning almost blinds me, followed by another and another; the deafening noise that accompanies it tells me that this has nothing to do with the storm that’s still raging outside.

“Prince Luca, is it true that you’re leaving Star Cove for Bridgeport after the hockey season ends?” someone yells.

“Luca, who’s the beautiful woman on your arm?”