“Miss, look this way!” another voice calls.
I attempt to advance the few feet that separate us from my car, but we’re soon surrounded by paparazzi.
I’m furious with myself for not noticing them before, they must have been waiting hidden behind the trees that surround the parking lot; or even worse, they must have followed my car from the Gamma house or even from the arena where the team bus dropped us off earlier on.
The flashes and the voices continue in a vicious frenzy and I regret coming here alone; without Luigi, there’s no way we can get to my car through the mob of photographers.
At this point, there’s only one thing to do; after all we agreed that to the team, the school and the entire world, Lakyn is my girlfriend.
I drop the umbrella.
“Luca, what are you—” Lakyn gasps as the rain immediately soaks through her hair and clothes.
For once it isn’t my father’s Italian sayings that come to my mind, but my very American mother’s favorite motto. Go big, or go home.
Mom is absolutely right and she also loves to say If you can’t win, join them.
That’s exactly what I do. Since we can’t escape the paparazzi, I give them what they want.
I take her into my arms, my voice loud enough to be heard over the storm and the mob of paparazzi. “Lakyn, I’ve wanted to tell you for weeks and I can’t wait one more second. I love you, bella.”
I tip her down, like the leading dancer does during a tango and crush my lips to hers.
The crowd of press explodes, as everyone takes one photo after the other.
I break the kiss, my eyes locked with hers as I slowly bring us back upright.
“I love you too,” she says, but it’s a soft whisper, for my ears only.
For the first time in my life, I smile to the cameras and I do it willingly.
If Lakyn loves me, I want the world to know.
From the international press and all main social media:
New Year’s Eve
End of the year fireworks at the royal palace of Montebello - The sad prince.
Where is Lakyn Woods, Prince Luca Leighton-Rossi’s new girlfriend? Without his beautiful new love, Prince Luca looked sad as he joined King Gilberto and Princess Heloise for the traditional New Year’s Eve fireworks display.
Valentine’s Day
Be My Valentine
What will Prince Luca do to celebrate his first Valentine’s Day as a happy boyfriend?
Is a royal engagement in the cards? The Royal press office has been traditionally tight lipped over the issue. So has been the jeweler who has always supplied the engagement and wedding rings for the Royals of Montebello since the first King Rossi, Enrico I, ascended to the throne in 1730. Asked for speculations about the possible timing of a wedding proposal, Mr. Rosati offered a stern “No comment.”
Lakyn Woods congratulates Star Cove Knights captain Prince Luca Leighton-Rossi with a kiss as the Star Cove College Division I hockey team wins their conference and advances to the playoffs that will culminate in the National Championship for the team that will prevail in this year’s Frozen Four.