Page 60 of Shifted

"Are you hungry?" I groan against him in response. In one way or another, I was. "Can you make me pasta with your tomato sauce?" I ask. He nods and stands with me wrapped around him.

"You know, for me to make the pasta, you're going to have to let go?" I frowned, shaking my head. I was comfy, and the thought of moving right now seemed like so much work. But he pushed me, and I sighed in frustration.

"Hey, I was comfortable with the position we were in." He smirked at me, and I let my feet touch the cold ground. I released my arms from him. But as he turned, he knocked over a frame, a photo of Joely and me in the hospital when she was firstborn. I watched as the glass shattered, and horror filled his eyes.

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't," He quickly picked it up before I could.

Before I knew it, the hidden photo in the broken frame flew out, falling to his feet. As he lifted it, my stomach dropped, and shock filled his face. He didn’t say anything for a moment, but I knew millions of questions raced through his mind.

"Were you guys dating?" His eyes fail to meet mine as he asks the question, fixated on the photo in front of him, the love letter attached to the side of it.

"No, we were in love." A lump formed in my throat as the words left my mouth. I could tell he had a million questions I couldn't answer.

"It was so many years ago, Reed." He stares at the photo of Joely in his hand, "It's not what you are thinking. You've got it wrong." He nods and hands me the broken frame and its continents.

"And you don't love him anymore?" It felt as if the lump grew bigger, if possible.

"No," I lie through my teeth. “We haven't spoken in so long, Reed. I promise you, it's not what it looks like." My stomach twists. Lying comes with consequences, but that's what I had to learn with my extracurriculars.

"Okay," he sighs. I'm going to get a broom and then make your pasta. Then I’ll head out." He turns away from me, heading to the kitchen, but I can’t help but wonder what he was thinking.

"Reed?" He turns back.

"Are we okay?" He nods at me.

“Yeah, we’re okay, Hope.”


Hope Taylor

Bella stood over the table covered in magazine cutouts, color samples, and floral arrangements. Her face was as red as a cherry, and I'd never seen a more chilling look on her face. She looked angry and irritated.

"It's never going to be done in time!" She speaks for the first time after 10 minutes of silent staring, "Nothing will come in, I'll be stressing out and... I can't do this!" She throws her hands in the air. I stare at Maria, who looks overwhelmed. But I couldn’t blame her; her daughter was about five steps away from being insane.

"Oh, come on, Arabella, it's a few months away. That gives things time?" She reasons.

"I don't want this!" She was panicking, and nobody was safe when she panicked.

"You don't want what? This wedding or marrying Grayson?" She stared at me like I was an absolute idiot. "This wedding! God, I'd marry Grayson in a potato sack, but come on, two hundred guests. Some big fussy thing, wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars for one day-"

"You’re wealthy, Arabella-”

"Not as wealthy as you!" She complains and points to me, stressed out, and lies back in her chair. "I don't want it. I thought I did, but I don't."

"Well, what do you want because seventy chickens are about to be slaughtered on your behalf?" She stares at me in disbelief at my words, and I just nod.

"Oh god, cancel the chickens!" The wedding planner, Madison, clears her throat.

"No, there will be no cancellations. This is just a simple freakout. You're allowed to feel this way and act this way. You can go all bridezilla Bella, but canceling won't help anything." Madison says, and I glare at her. I don't blame her. It's all money for her, not a bride's wellness.

"Or I’ve thought of another option." I stand and walk over beside Bella. I collect a few samples of things and lay them out. "You two elope, family and closest friends only. Maybe fifteen people max?" I hear a small gasp come from Madison. I think having some big fussy wedding is not… you? Will it be overstimulating? It's not what you want, Bella." She looks at my choices with a smile.

"She's right, I want to elope!" I hear Madison scoff angrily and slam her purse down.

"Absolutely not! You already sent the save-the-dates! Don't let her ruin what you've always wanted!" Madison was seriously getting on my nerves.