Page 59 of Shifted

"Are you alone?" Her voice was filled with concern.

"No, Theo came with me."

"Theo? My brother?" That same annoyance trickled in her voice.

"Yeah, he said I shouldn't go alone, and trust me, I argued back. We'll be back soon."

"Okay, I'll save you a plate, and I can put Joely down for her nap.”

"That would be perfect, thank you." I end the line and turn to see Theo staring at me. "It feels weird being in this house without her. My mind defaults to her at the market getting apple cider donuts in the morning, and I come downstairs to find myself alone." I look at the sanded glass cabinets containing the blue and white china sets she adored.

"Who will bother Terry while he's mowing the lawn in the summer now?" I laugh as the tears fall. “And the mailman, who will ask him how his wife is doing or when Petra walks her dog in the mornings? Who's going to sit on the front patio greeting her?" My heart sank. She was such a huge part of this community. Though she was gone for a while, I always saw her returning.

The hope that she'd get better soon and that this was just a phase in her life. She wouldn't need a doctor all the time, and she would leave the nursing home. I never wanted her to go. I begged her not to go because that meant Penny Lane was over. She never got to come back here, her home—the place where she raised her family, where she raised me.

A picture frame containing a photo of me with Joely at just a few weeks old sat on the counter. I was in the rocking chair in the living room; I looked like such a baby. Beside it was a photo that hurt, a photo of lies. It was the perfect cookie-cutter family photo of my parents, me, and Taryn as children. But it was all a lie.


Leaning against the cold concrete bricks behind me, I felt weird. I felt that while I was doing these missions, Grandma might be watching me. But it's not like I'm killing the good guys; I'm killing the bad ones.

My target came into view. It was my fourth mission this week. I've been asking Isaac to give me one each night, maybe because I need a distraction from sleep. Because I don't sleep, I lay in bed and thought about it, thinking about her. I watched as the air a few feet ahead of me turned to fog as someone breathed out. I lifted my gun.

"Come out before I shoot, "His body becomes visible, and Amartolós comes into view.

"You're on edge?" He sank beside me as I stared forward, "Isaac told me you've been working nonstop, no days off, huh?"

"He wasn’t supposed to tell you that. But yes, if he has a mission for me, I take it. I need the distraction.”

"Family, friends, or love?" I looked at him, confused by his question. "Come on, Angel, what's bothering you, family, friends, or love?"

"Family," I admit. "Maybe, love. My boyfriend told me he wants to get more serious, and I just want a gift card from the Cheesecake Factory."

"With the paychecks you get, from what I'd assume... Why the hell would you want a gift card to the Cheesecake Factory?" I shrug.

"I could have all the money in the world, and I'd still be stingy. I'm not flashy with my money; it raises questions, ones I don't want to answer." I still wondered how much he made on the job, let alone who the hell he was.

"Maybe you should just kill me now. Honestly, I feel broken. It's selfish. I have a family, but I just feel lost." He shakes his head and stands. “Well, now, if you ask me to kill you, I can't kill you? Ruins the fun of it all, Angel?" He offers his hand, and once I accept it, he pulls me up.

"But you want that, don't you? The taste of my blood on your lips, as the life out of me is drained? I mean, I would never let it happen, but I know it's what you fantasize about." He laughs, shaking his head. "No, no, I fantasize about the girl behind the mask. I wonder who you really are," he says as I step closer. I stand directly below him, pressed against my chest.

"I don't even know myself, so good luck trying to unmask me, Amartolós," I turn back to the sniper and fire at my targets, and then I run. I ran away from him, from it all again. The pain that follows is a burden that feels too hard to bear. But as I face it head-on, I realize there are no other options. I felt like my skin was crawling. I pack away my rifle and find my way home


As I unlock the door, I'm greeted by the noise of loud snoring. I slowly shut the door behind me, and as I reach the living room, Reed is sprawled out on the couch in his scrubs, asleep.

"Doctor Austen?" His eyes slowly open, and he smiles as he sees me. He reaches a hand for me, and I intertwine ours. Soon, my body collides with the couch beside him.

"Maria had to go, so she called me. I just got off, so I came over. We made Mac and cheese and talked about Disney, and then I tucked her to bed." My heart flutters at this moment.

"She didn't put up a fight?" He shook his head.

"Nope? Hey, where were you?"

"I had to meet with some clients. I've been swamped lately at the firm, and they do not make it easy!" He laughs and pulls me to straddle him.

"You must've been very tense, hmm?" I nod, lying against his chest.