Page 61 of Prince of Pain

“You up for some fun?” he finally answered, turning back to me.

“I’m not really in the mood, Romeo,” I scoffed, my eyes moving to the little baggie he held up between his fingers.

“You sure? I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Just you, or am I supposed to be nice to your buddies too?”

“Sharing is caring, right?”

“You’ll need a bigger baggie,” I smirked, and he huffed before digging around his pocket and pulling out another.

“I have molly and coke,” he said as he offered it to me, closing his fingers around it when I reached for it. “Me and the guys?”

“Where do you want to do this?” I asked, having no issue giving them five minutes out of my day. Most guys didn’t last long, not when they didn’t give a shit about getting me off, so it would be an easy deal, and I could get rid of the twitching in my damn hands.

He opened my door and I climbed out, making sure to lock the car before following him towards the bathroom, his friends wandering in our direction without being asked.

This would be the quickest and cheapest way to get my fix, so I wasn’t about to complain.

“See you later, babe,” the guy chuckled as he tossed the baggies on the ground in front of me, one of his friends laughing as he zipped up his pants after coming on my face.

I was gross and sticky, and surprise filled me when the third guy took out his wallet and dropped a fifty dollar bill on my lap.

“Start charging. If you’re going to be a whore, at least get paid,” he grunted, the other two guys walking out and leaving him alone with me. “Do you want help cleaning up?”

I chuckled bitterly, getting to my feet and walking naked to the mirror to inspect my face. I had makeup in the car to fix this, and I didn’t need his damn help.

My throat was marked from one of their hands, and there was a bite mark on my breast that had broken the skin.

They’d been rougher than I’d been expecting, but it was fine. The drugs would numb the discomfort.

“Tempest?” he asked when I didn’t answer.

“I’m fine, but thanks. Thanks for the orgasm,” I smiled as I met his gaze in the mirror, reaching for the paper towel to start cleaning my face.

“The guys are selfish,” he shrugged, hesitating before bending down to grab the money and baggies to hand them to me. “I’d pay you more, but it’s all I have.”

“I’m not a hooker.”

“You should be. If you’re doing this shit anyway you might as well make some money from it in the process,” he answered before walking out, leaving me alone to get dressed.

I wasn’t alone for long though.

“Jesus, Temp. Anyone can just walk in and see you,” Mason huffed just as I finished washing the cum from my face. He bent down to grab my clothes, offering them to me as he ran his gaze over me.

His eyes landed on the baggies and money but he didn’t mention it as I took the clothes and started pulling them on.

“Everyone’s seen me naked anyway,” I replied. “What are you doing here?”

“One of them was filming you and sent it to people. I came to find you.”

“Why? You want a ride too? Hop on,” I smirked, swatting my butt and making him roll his eyes.

“How’d last night go with your dad?” he asked instead, and I scoffed.

“My parents didn’t show up. No surprise there. Want to pop pills and fuck all day? I’m bored.”

“The guys are having a party. If we head there now, you can probably shower before anyone arrives. Promise me you won’t have a meltdown like the other night. Channing will one hundred percent kick you out if you do.”