Page 84 of Prince of Pain

“Don’t fucking talk like that,” Marco growled, staring at me for a second before speaking again. “Surprisingly, Tempest isn’t fucked up either.”

Rory eyed us both for what felt like forever before nodding. “Fine. Fix that attitude before you come back, Ry. I mean it. We have new foster kids joining us and I can’t have this sort of shit going down in the kitchen in front of them. Noah doesn’t need it either.”

“You can’t take any more in right now,” he scoffed, motioning around the room. “Half the house is in jail for illegal activity, you have businesses to run, and no one’s here to help with kids. Look after the ones you already have under this roof.”

“I love you,” she said calmly before walking off, Diesel following her to make sure she was alright, but Marco shook his head.

“I won’t have you speaking to your mom like that. Is something wrong? Use your words or I can’t help you.”

Ryder chuckled, starting to pull me along behind him as we walked towards the door. “Nah, Dad. Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about me.”

Marco didn’t chase after us, and I silently handed Ryder my car keys as he asked for them.

“Your car’s already out here in the driveway so it’s easier. Let’s go and have a good night.”

I could almost taste the fun that tonight was going to be.

Chapter Fifteen


Ihad no idea what day it was. I was pretty sure a few days had passed, but I’d only gone to sleep once, so maybe I was wrong.

The Palace was the nicest hotel in Kingslake, and it was one of my favorites to stay at. Ashburn Valley had a few nice ones, but it didn’t compare to this.

My body tingled as I thrust into Tempest, my face buried in her neck as I fought to keep myself braced above her. I was probably squashing her, my arms weren’t working properly because of how relaxed my muscles were.

“Fuck,” I groaned, finally coming inside her and going still, lying over her for a moment before rolling off and trying to focus on the ceiling.

Tempest had passed out at some point, looking like an angel wrapped in sin, and I rolled over to drape an arm over her. Her stomach rose and fell with each breath, and it was honestly the only sign that she was even alive.

A knock on the door made me groan again, forcing me to make my arms and legs work as I tossed the blanket over Tempest and stumbled out of bed to open it, finding Channing on the other side.

He smirked, dropping his gaze down to my junk before meeting my eyes again. “You two still fucking?”

“Nothing else to do,” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“Dude, you called me this morning and asked for a drop off,” he snorted, stepping inside to shut the door. “Where’s Temp?”


“Your dick’s wet.”

“She can sleep through a tornado, you know that. She was awake when I started,” I chuckled.

He eyed me, letting out a sigh. “You need some sleep, Donovan. You know I love taking your money, but I don’t want your family showing up on my doorstep to kill me if you OD.”

“They won’t care.”

“Even if they hated you, which they don’t, they’d still come after me to make a point. It’s how the world of villains works,” he stated dryly, moving towards the bed to frown down at Tempest. “I like her like this. She’s quiet.”

I laughed, searching for my boxers. “She’s quiet when you put your dick in her mouth too.”

“She’s too busy choking on it to be quiet,” he grinned, dropping down beside her to get comfortable. “Are you guys just going to have a party for two all week or what? You’re doing me a favor by not inviting Mase, but he’s going through pussy withdrawals or something.”

“He can get his own pussy, that one’s mine,” I grunted, tugging the blanket down so he could see my name carved across her mound. “Doesn’t say Mason. He can borrow her, but he’ll never have her.”

“Dude, what kind of sick and twisted shit have you two been doing?” he asked, reaching out to run his finger along the edge of the R. “You carved your name into her?”