“What did Tempest do to piss her off?”
I should’ve known he’d ask that.
Ryder spun around and glared at him, waving a hand in my direction. “I don’t know, Dad. Exist, maybe? Riley’s had it out for her for ages. She hit her with her bat, you know? How about instead of blaming Tempest, you ask if she’s okay?”
Diesel didn’t look like he really gave a fuck, he just didn’t want the drama escalating.
“Is she okay?”
“Ask her yourself, she’s literally right in front of you,” he snapped, not waiting for him to speak to me before taking my hand and leading me towards the stairs as he spoke over his shoulder. “We’ll grab some shit and fuck off. Tell Mom I’ll be back in a few days.”
“Days?” I asked quietly, but he ignored me and kept tugging me along behind him.
Diesel looked worried, but he didn’t say anything else as he pulled his phone from his pocket just before he vanished from my sight. He was probably calling in reinforcements.
Once shut in Ryder’s bedroom, he started shoving some things into a bag for himself and making me frown. “You really meant days, didn’t you?”
“You know what I want to do?” he asked sharply, picking some of my things up off the floor and shoving them into the bag too as if I didn’t have more in the car. “I want to get drunk, do lines off your fucking tits, and fuck you until we can’t move.”
“You want to get high?” I asked with a grin, conflict on his face as he nodded.
“Yeah, Temp. I really fucking do.”
“Then let’s go and find some! Channing would hook us up!”
“Keep your voice down,” he growled, stalking closer to grab my arm. “I’ll always have you, right?”
My face softened, and I cupped his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere. It’s just you and me against the world.”
He nodded, giving me a kiss before finishing packing his bag.
“Are we, like, dating?” I asked, backtracking when he shot me an annoyed look. “Not monogamously. Like, we’re together, but we can fuck other people?”
“An open relationship? I mean, I guess,” he shrugged.
“So you won’t get mad if I say you’re my boyfriend?” My heart was hammering so hard in my chest as he studied me for what felt like forever before sighing.
“Fine. But the second you start chasing other girls away from me, I’m done.”
“And the second you try to cut off my gangbangs, we’re done,” I agreed, earning an amused look.
“I’m usually part of those anyway. I’m not the type to get possessive. Sex is just sex, there’s nothing special about it. It just feels good.”
We could both agree on that. I’d be more jealous of someone else being sweet with him than I ever would if they fucked him.
This was the best day ever.
We made it back downstairs, and I halted when I found Rory and Marco standing with Diesel, my hand slipping into Ryder’s as I took a step back. He didn’t move back though, staring them down.
“Where are you going?” Rory asked calmly, glancing between us.
“Out. You can’t stop me,” Ryder replied.
“That’s to be decided. I could stop your credit card from working,” she warned, motioning for Marco to approach us. I didn’t understand what he was doing, but he grabbed Ryder’s chin and held his gaze for a moment before shrugging.
“He’s sober. Doesn’t even smell like alcohol.”
“I’ve been racing, of course I’m fucking sober,” Ryder bit out. “We’re going to a hotel tonight, and I’ll be back when I feel like it. You want me to stay? Then be prepared to lose another damn kid because I’m going to kill Riley.”