Page 28 of Worth Fighting For

Fuck. They were being attacked from at least three sides. Running, he pushed through the doors to the hospital. He needed to get ready for the wounded, because he had zero doubt there would be a lot of them. That was too many Alphas to easily be taken down.

But he also needed to be ready in case Alphas breached the town and came into the hospital. With that in mind, he brought out the guns and placed them within easy reach, not only for him and those who would come to help, but the gurneys, too. No way was he leaving the wounded without a way to defend themselves.

Maxon rushed in just as he was setting up trays of bandages, needles for stitches, and thread. “I’ll do that,” Maxon told him and not even a minute later, Esad and Geraud, both with medical training, were there helping.

Grabbing a gun and extra ammo, Renzo clipped one of the walkie talkies that were used in the hospital to his belt. “Call me when patients arrive. I’m going to go help until then.”

Most likely, he’d be the one to bring back the first patient, but he wanted to be reached in case they needed him.

Running to the dock, as it was the nearest point to the hospital, fear, unlike nothing he’d ever felt before, chilled him to the bone. There had to have been twenty Alphas lining the deck of their boat firing into the line of Omegas trying to stop them from being able to dock.

They were actually holding them back, but he doubted it would be for long, as the Alphas already had gotten two hooks into the dock in order to pull them close. Without seriously risking getting shot, there was no way to cut the lines.

That’s when he saw it. Fire. Someone had been grilling at the picnic tables they had set up along the waterfront before all this started. Grabbing his walkie talkie, he hit the button and said, “Where’s Kelce?”

The Omega turned to look at him. Ducking behind the wall they had recently erected in order to defend themselves from an attack on the water, he quickly made his way to the one person who might be able to pull off his plan. “Do you have your bow and arrows?”

Not wanting to waste ammo, Kelce had taken to hunting for meat with bows and arrows. Lowen’s farm was great, but he hadn’t been encouraging as much breeding as they needed to feed their growing town, so they often supplemented their meals by hunting.

Kelce lifted his gear where it had been placed by his feet. Relieved, he pointed to the grill that was still burning. “If we wrap something around the arrows and set it on fire, do you think you could hit their boat enough times to burn it down?”

It wasn’t exactly the greatest plan, but it was the only one he could come up with that might stop the Alphas from coming ashore. Or, at the very least, make them easier targets to hit as they tried to put out a fire.

A cry caught his attention. He looked over to see Wason laying on the ground, blood spreading out around him.

“Go to Wason, I’ll take care of the fire,” Kelce told him even as he started for the grill.

Thankfully, Wason wasn’t killed, but it had taken time to get the bullet out. By the time he had, every gurney was filled with patients. He just hoped like hell they could stop the Alphas from taking over Sanctuary.


All thoughts of happiness he’d been feeling since realizing he was pregnant vanished the moment he heard Ford cry out there were Alphas approaching from the east. He didn’t hesitate to run into the jail to get the weapons he would need.

“Fill a bag with ammo,” Westland told him. “I’ll grab several guns.”

When he had two backpacks filled with ammo, he met Westland at the door. “Which location are we headed to?” the Alpha asked.

Ford hadn’t been the only one to report attackers, but all he knew was he had to help his friend. Plus, if the Alphas were smart, they’d burn Lowen’s crops, effectively starving the town. Well, unless they planned on taking over completely, then they’d leave them alone.

Still, Coleson wasn’t about to let them have Sanctuary. This was their town and he would defend it at all costs. “East. We have to protect the farm.”

Westland gave him a nod before racing to the nearest vehicle. They didn’t have many that worked, but Ford had been doing his best to fix them, at least the electric ones, as it was too big of a challenge to try to get gas this side of the Mississippi.

Just as they got in, Ira, Joah, and Ehen jumped into the bed of the truck, each holding a rifle. “Hurry up, we need to help Ford,” Ira yelled.

Westland threw the truck into gear and hit the gas. It took way too long, even though the gas pedal was all the way to the floor. “You need to ask where they’re locate…”

Gunfire cut him off.

“I think we found them,” Coleson told him.

The tires slid on the gravel as Westland made a sharp turn to where the sound of the guns came from. The moment they saw Ford, Lowen, and the others who had been patrolling that side of town, Coleson had assumed they would stop, but Westland had other plans.

“Hold on,” the Alpha yelled to him and the others in the back before veering off the driveway and across the yard straight toward the Alphas who were shielding themselves from being shot behind the barn.

“What in the hell are you doing?” Coleson had barely gotten the words out when their truck hit the first Alpha, but it wasn’t long before all ten of them had gone flying through the air or pulled under their tires as Westland ran them down.

“Holy fuck.” Ehen then laughed manically. “That’s one way to stop them.”