Page 58 of Their Fated Magic

My mind goes to my mother. Where I expect to feel sadness that she’s gone, I feel nothing at all. It’s strange. Maybe it means something is wrong with me. But if it cost my mother’s life to protect the men I love, it was a price I was willing to pay.

“What do you think?” Arlys asks.

The answer is simple and not at all. “This is definitely what’s making people sick. It looks like they used metal to make it functional, and the crystals to make people sick.”

“Do you think… do you think you can fix the curse?” Rinan asks hesitantly.

“Maybe,” I whisper. “I’m not sure yet, but given the use of metal… I think so.”

I walk closer to the structure, and water sprays out at me, soaking me with a fine mist from the cascading water fall. I can feel the tainted magic in it. Can sense it all over my skin.

“It wouldn’t be hard to just remove it,” I say, knowing I could twist the metal, take the crystals, and be done with it. “But that’s not enough.”

“How so?” Drogo asks, sounding confused.

“It’s… I think I can do better.” Maybe.

As my mind works, a plan begins to form. Removing the crystals would work to keep more people from getting sick, but it wouldn’t help the people who are already sick. And I can’t exactly go to every person and heal them, so I have a better idea.

This contraption was once used for harm, so let’s use it for good.

Reaching out, I touch the metal. It whispers to me, and I smile, because we both want the same thing. And because as exhausted as I am, Metal Magic comes easily to me. I take a deep breath. I feel it as the metal snakes around the crystals. I feel it as I pump my magic into the whole creation, making sure to make it complicated enough that no other witch can come back here and undo what I’ve done.

Luckily, no one else can do Metal Magic.

I focus on what I want. What I need. No one deserves to be made sick by some angry witches with a generational vendetta whose origin we don't even remember. Too many lives have been lost already. Too much blood has been shed. Ancient grudges have no place in our world. We can't live like this anymore.

Panting, tired and weakened, I work to make my spell intricate and unbreakable. Sweat beads my forehead and my hands shake from the effort. Now that I know I'm good at magic, I feel confident in my work. And that confidence pushes me to do my best at this.

The entire shifter population is counting on me.

I feel etchings covering every inch of the metal. Etchings that wrap the crystals and the metal in my new spell, giving them a purpose that will help everyone and undo some of the damage my kind have done.

I stumble back to where my men wait for me, feeling clumsy and unsteady. I sway on my feet before I collapse into Drogo’s arms, the closest man to me. My eyelids feel heavy, and I can barely keep them open, but I know I need to tell them first. “It's fixed. Everyone should get better now. I wove the crystals and the metal with a healing spell, so the water should help everyone who drinks it instead of hurting them.”

The group of men erupt into cheers, their faces beaming with joy and relief. They lift me up and squeeze me tight, planting kisses all over me. I’m tired, but I’m happy. I feel like finally, finally, this is over. A whole world of happiness awaits us after this.

“You’re amazing, Tara! You saved everyone today with your magic,” Garrick says to me as he squeezes me tightly in his arms.

I did save everyone with my magic. And if anyone had told me I would be able to do this a few weeks ago, I would have laughed. But here I am now in my new life doing new things with people who love me.

I look at my four men. They beam at me with pride and adoration. I want to just go home with them, to be together. But my mind’s working again, and I know there's more that needs to be done to keep everyone safe.

“Unfortunately,” I tell them, “we aren't done yet.”



I don’t want to be this close to danger with my best friends and Tara, the people who mean most to me in this world. Coming to this passageway never brings anything good… although, I actually can’t say that. The last time we passed through, we got Tara. And she’s worth anything and everything. Even coming to the place my brothers died.

But I still don’t feel good about being here. Not because of the reasons from before, but because this place is dangerous, and I don’t want my sweet mate near anything dangerous. Already, when Tara sent word to her people about her mother’s death and her new status as queen, they’d made it known that a cousin of hers would be taking her place as queen instead.

A cousin, apparently, as vicious as Tara’s mother.

They didn’t want a shifter bride as their queen, and they wanted war with us once more. Tara accepted this. Accepted that these were her ruthless people, witches who would never accept her as their queen, or accept peace.

So she’d come up with another solution to handle them. Unfortunately, it involves a dangerous place where I fear for her safety. Where I fear I’ll lose her again.