Page 57 of Their Fated Magic

Her eyes widen in horror, and then she shrinks before my eyes into a tiny mouse, then scurries away. I don’t have time to be amused. I can hear Garrick’s quiet moans of pain.

The witch attacking him uses magic to stab him over and over again. He’s trying to get to her, but he falls each time he’s stabbed, dripping with blood in a way that makes me sick.

I take a page from my mother’s book and scream “Burn!” Only, I put more power into my spell than my mother ever did.

The witch bursts into bright orange flames. Her screams are piercing, and we watch as the fire engulfs her so completely that within seconds she’s become nothing more than a pile of ash blowing away in the breeze.

Garrick collapses. The other three rush to his side, looking hurt and exhausted, but alive. I kneel down next to him, my gut churning as I look down at his matted fur. “Fucking bitch,” I mutter, tears in my eyes. Then I meet Garrick’s gaze. “You’re going to be okay.”

He whimpers.

Closing my eyes, I whisper, “Heal.”

My magic is tired. It’s spent. But still, it responds to my desperate cry as I feel it washing over him. The wounds are deep, so it takes a lot more of my magic to knit them all back together and heal him completely, but I push past the exhaustion until I see every gash on his body close.

He opens his eyes and shifts back into his human self. Panting, he says, “You see? You are the best witch in your coven.”

“Even after all that you're a flirt,” I whisper, leaning down and kissing him.

Then I turn to the rest of my men, healing each of them. By the time I’m done, I’m sweating and panting. I’ve never used so much magic in such a short amount of time. I didn’t even know you could get this tired from using magic, but I’m spent, and my men can see it.

“Your mother?” Rinan asks, leaning against a tree.

I shake my head.

“Are you okay?” Garrick asks, his expression worried.

I consider his words for a minute. “I think I am.”

All three men look relieved, and, again, I'm blown away by how much they worry about me, even after all they've been through.

“Your shoulder?” Drogo whispers, suddenly inspecting it.

I wince. “It's not as bad as it looks.”

His air comes out in a rush. “We need the first aid kit.”

My shifters respond like I've just been declared an emergency, rushing around, setting everything up with such frantic movements I'm left smiling. Then, with the utmost care in the world, Drogo cleans, treats, and binds my shoulder, before planting a kiss on the top of my head.

When he's done, he repacks his pack, and everyone collapses together. Spent. Ready to be done with this mess.

“Let’s rest,” Arlys suggests tiredly.

I look around at all of them, wanting to give them time to rest, but also knowing that I need to get this done. That I need to undo all the damage my people have caused, before more people get sick.

“No. First, the curse. Then, we rest.”



The ugly web of metal and crystals hangs in front of me. It looks just like something my mother would create. It’s twisted and corrupt, metal woven with dark crystals, practically vibrating with bad energy. I send my magic out and feel the creation, and it makes me gag. All I sense is death and sickness.

I withdraw my magic quickly, unable to stand the vile energy it sends out. It makes me sick to my stomach that everyone in this land has been drinking water contaminated by this monstrosity. Water is a requirement for life, something no one can escape from. And my people corrupted.

I clench my fists, taking in deep breaths to rein in my anger. My people have always been known for their powerful magic, but I always saw magic as a good thing. It made our lives easier, healed people, and protected us. Never did I think about it as something they would use to create something so destructive and harmful.

But then, I guess I didn’t know my own people as well as I thought.