“I think God will understand.” She kisses me frantically, and as I push myself all the way inside her I feel the cold rush of relief slip over my skin.
Everleigh looks like a fuckin’ vixen keeping her eyes connected with mine, luring me in and tempting me more. This woman shocks me every day with what she’s capable of and today has just proven that her past won’t destroy her.
“Don’t be gentle with me,” she warns. “I want it rough. I trust you.” I don’t wanna push her limits, but at the same time I don’t wanna deny her, so I take her throat in the arch of my hand and apply just enough pressure to pin her to the wall. My thrusts become harder, so hard that the shelves start to shake, and when Everleigh starts to moan a little too loud I reach up over her chin and shove three of my fingers into her mouth.
“Suck ‘em,” I order, fuckin’ her mouth as well as her pussy and feeling her soak me. I wait until my fingers are drenched before sliding them between us and using them to massage her clit. Her eyes widen as her pussy clamps tight around me and just seeing the pleasure on her face has me coming along with her. I hold her tight to me as we both come down and when we hear footsteps approaching, followed by Dolores’s voice, I quickly pull outta her and tuck my cock back in my slacks.
“What’s taking so long? We still have five tables to put away.” She pops her head around the corner and despite making herself decent, Everleigh still looks horrified.
“I was just stackin’ ‘em up right so we can get ‘em all in,” I inform her, taking Everleigh’s hand and leading her back out.
“And you needed help with that, did ya?” She looks Everleigh up and down with a knowing smile on her face.
“Of course, I did. Every man needs a strong woman beside him.” I wink at the old woman and lead my girl back outside.
I’ve played nice all afternoon, engaged in small talk with the rest of Bianca's specially selected guests, and listened to her brag about all the things she’s achieved in her life. I even took time to admire the modern art that she’s revamped the Mason ranch with, all while wishing I was back at the bake sale with people I actually like.
Time passes fast now, and it’s only five minutes until Garrett will be here to pick me up. So when Bianca excuses herself from her guests and heads for the kitchen for more champagne, I take my opportunity and follow after her.
“Leave us.” I look to the girl who’s been waiting on us and gesture my head toward the door, then focusing all my attention on Bianca I step closer.
Her eyes double in size when I wrap my hand under her jaw and dig my nails into her flesh.
“My husband was far too polite when he came here the other day. Now, I’ll tell you what he should have said.” I stare the nasty bitch straight in her eyes and clench my fingers tighter. “If you ever make a threat to my family again, your head will be the next one that’s rolling loose. My husband may be too much of a gentleman to hurt a woman, but I’m happy to take a bitch down. You’d think the Masons would learn from past experiences that you can’t win a war with the Carsons.” I hold her face a little longer and smile at her. “Stay away from my family.” I release her, lifting the bottle of champagne off the work surface and knocking some back before I push open the door and head back into the living room.
“I’m ever so sorry, I have to cut the afternoon short. I must get back to my little ones.” I smile at all the other women politely, before heading for the door and leaving.
Garrett is waiting for me on the drive with his shoulders propped against his truck and his arms folded. I smile at him as he opens the passenger door for me.
“How was it?” He offers me his hand before I step up.
“Fun.” I shrug as I settle into my seat.
“Fun?” He looks unconvinced as he rounds the hood and starts his engine. “Yeah, real good fun.” I feel much lighter as he pulls away and heads for home.
It’s not just the Carson men who are prepared to do whatever it takes…
“So have you had any luck tracking down your mother?” I address the elephant in the room once we’ve all finished up with dinner. We’ve covered just about every subject that isn’t related to the fact Mitch and Hunter are father and son, and it’s not something that should be ignored. I think it’s incredible that they’ve found each other, and tonight's proven that they share the same kind of interests. Mitch has done nothing but talk about how great Hunter is to have on the ranch, so I know how proud of him he is.
“Unfortunately, not.” Hunter looks deflated as Mitch lifts up his plate and takes it to the sink. “Da— I mean Mitch had one of his friends look into her but they couldn’t find anything dated after my adoption. It’s as if she just vanished.” Hunter lowers his eyes as Mitch retakes the table.
“We’ll find her.” He grips the boy’s shoulder and gives him some assurance. “In the meantime, you keep up your hard work. I ain't ever seen someone pick up as quick as you do. You’re gonna be handy when we do the cattle drive next month.” Mitch changes the subject back to work again, and as happy as he looks to receive the praise, I also get the sense that Hunter was hoping for more from tonight. He didn’t come here to be a bunkhouse boy. He came here to spend time with his father.
Hunter stays another hour, drinks a few scotches, and listens to some of Mitch’s stories, most of which include the Carson brothers or his nephew Dalton. They laugh together, but behind all the smiles I see that they both regret that they’ve missed out on making their own memories. It’s neither of their fault and something that they will both have to make up for, now that they’ve found each other.
It’s later than usual when me and Mitch go to bed, and once we’re snuggled under the covers I decide to get something off my chest.
“You can talk about her, you know.”
“Talk about who?” Mitch settles his arm around me and places kisses in the dip between my neck and shoulder.
“Hunter's mother.” I turn to face him so he can’t shy away from it. “I understand that you had a life before me, that you’ve had women, it wouldn’t upset me if you had some answers for him. I know you are doing everything you can to find her, but you can share what you do know about her, don’t hold back because you're scared of hurting my feelings.”
“Everleigh.” He smiles at me sadly and strokes his hand through my hair. “I’m sad to say I don’t know anythin’ about her, other than the fact she lived in this town and lied to me about her age. Before you, I never paid much attention to females, not even the ones I brought home. I don’t know how many nights we shared, or where it happened. I was young back then and always lookin’ for a quick thrill. I wish I had answers for the boy, but I don’t.” I can tell he’s disappointed in himself so I quickly change the subject.
“He worships you, you know?” I smile fondly when I think about the way he looked at Mitch. It’s obvious that the boy aspires to be him. “We should have him over more often, and you shouldn't keep it a secret.”
“We ain’t keepin’ it a secret, we’re just waitin’ for the test results to be sure, then I’ll tell the whole yard, just like I did about you.”