Page 44 of Finding Limits

“I second that.” The man I assume is Savannah’s husband comes from behind her and slides his hands around her rounded stomach. “I think ya should take the kids home and put your feet up, they got enough help for the bake sale.” He kisses her cheek.

“Put my feet up? With these hell raisers? Cole, you have to be kidding.” She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

“I just don’t want you overdoin’ shit.”

“Thanks to Everleigh, I won’t be, she’s gonna help out too.” Savannah reaches out and takes my hand. “Come on, these men can watch the kids and we’ll see where we are needed. If not, we can just eat cake.” I let her drag me away, looking over my shoulder to Mitch and smiling so he knows I’m okay.

There are lots of tables lined up around the town square and people are chatting while they tuck into all the homemade treats that are on offer. Leia is also child-free as she steps behind one of the tables and helps with the selling, and when I look back over to Mitch and his friends I see that Mitch has his eyes on me.

“You must be Everleigh.” I have to strain my neck to look up at the man who stands in front of me. “I’m Hunter, I’m new too.” He checks around him and looks awkward.

“Pleased to meet you.” I hold out my hand the way everyone around here seems to when they greet each other.

“He said you invited me to supper and I just wanted to say thank you. The ranch has been busy and I’ve rarely had a chance to sleep let alone anything else, but I was hoping I could join ya tomorrow night.”

“We’d like that.” I smile up at him.

“Not like Mitch to have favorites,” Savannah interrupts while scoffing on a brownie. “These are so good. They must be the ones I made.” She winks.

“We’ll see you tomorrow.” I smile at Mitch's son before taking Savannah’s arm and pulling her toward Leia, who looks like she could use some help.

Ifinish stacking the folded tables in the storage room behind the chapel and when I turn around and see her watching me, I stop what I’m doing and take her in.

“Do ya have any idea how proud I am of you today?” Moving toward her I slide my hand under her jaw and angle her mouth so I can kiss it. “Everleigh, ya never fail to surprise me,” I tell her.

I stood back today and watched her in awe. It was her first time out in public and she took it in her stride. She even ended up helping to sell, and speaking to the folk of this town as if she’s been here forever. Everleigh doesn’t know it because she’s been kept hidden for so long, but she’s a people person.

“Cole and Wade have taken the kids home with Leia and Savannah,” I explain, playing with the frill on the neckline of the pretty dress she’s got on. It’s unholy of me, but all I've thought about today is lifting it up and having her legs around my waist.

“Pretty much everyone’s gone home. I wonder how Maisie’s doing?” she asks.

“Garrett’s scheduled to pick her up in an hour, he’s been like a bear with a sore head.”

“Leia told me he’s got two of your bunkhouse boys watching the property,” she tells me, and I’ll bet she is wondering just how dangerous this woman is.

“I can believe it… and now, I understand it too.” I hold her just that little bit tighter.

“What do you mean by that?” She looks back at me confused.

“What I mean is, that if I thought for one second that you were in any danger, I’d do whatever it took to protect you.” I’ve always understood the Carson men’s need to protect their women. I’ve aided them in it whenever I could, but now that I got something of my own to treasure I get how limitless it is. I’d burn this world down before I let it hurt her again.

“You know the whole town were talking today?” She slides her dainty, little hand over my tie. “Apparently it’s not every day Mitch Hudson turns up somewhere with a woman on his arm.” She’s wearing a mischievous smile.

“It ain’t, now ya know how lucky you are.” I glide my thumb across her cheek and wonder how an old man like me has become so utterly obsessed.

“I feel lucky.” The look she gives me back is serious and so fuckin’ grateful that it scrapes another groove into my heart.

“I’m the one that got lucky.” I check there’s no one around before dragging her into the storage room and pressing her back against the wall. I kiss her deep and hard, just like I’ve been craving all day, and after losing my belt and opening the front of my slacks I lift her up and hook her legs around my waist.

“You wanna do that here?” She looks as shocked as she is thrilled.

“Right here,” I assure her, using the weight of my body to keep her top half pinned to the wall, so my hands can explore her.

Sex with Everleigh has become my new addiction and I’m starting to believe it’s becoming hers too.

“Mitch, isn’t this part of the chapel?” she whispers, her cheeks flushing pink.

“I’m aware of that.” I hook my fingers into her panties and drag them to one side, letting the tip of my cock press against her. “We could wait until we get home if you want?” I tease her by pressing inside her, just a fraction.