Page 31 of Finding Limits


“I want to do this for you.” I hold eye contact so he knows I mean it. Nothing about this is the same as before, I feel completely in control and it’s incredible.

“Baby, this is gonna complicate things.” He shakes his head while his tongue rolls inside his cheek.

“You’ve never called me that before.” I frown back at him as my hand keeps its steady rhythm.

“Well, with all respect, you ain’t never had your hand wrapped around my cock before either.” He smiles.

“And do you like how it feels?” Mitch's cock feels so much bigger than what I’ve been used to, it’s thick and very heavy, but I don’t let that intimidate me.

“It feels real good, darlin’.” He places his hand on the back of my head as he keeps his eyes focused between us. “I wanna watch,” he whispers. “I wanna see your hand workin’ me. I’ll bet it looks as good as it feels too.”

I nod my head as he sets to work, pulling back the covers and slipping his boxers off his hips. Now that I see him for the first time I understand why it felt so different. Mitch’s manhood is enormous and as he watches my hand slide over it, I feel his grip on my hair tighten and his body go tense.

“That feels so fuckin’ good,” he growls at me, looking like he’s on the verge of losing control, and then he does something that takes me completely by surprise.

His hand slides behind my ear and he draws my face closer to his so he can kiss me with lips that are much softer than I’ve imagined them to be. The way they move against mine is urgent, demanding and seems to match the desperation that's building up inside me.

“Fuck, Ev. That's so good,” he pulls back to tell me, and knowing that I’m causing him so much pleasure lights a fire up inside me. I need his lips on me again so I lean back into him and take them.

“Darlin’, I’m gonna come, you gotta stop.” Mitch takes hold of my wrist in his hand and tries to tug me away, but I’m not finished. I want Mitch to spill his seed and I don’t care if it’s onto my hand. I don’t even care if he puts it in my mouth, in fact, I’m curious about how he tastes. So curious that I lower my head and slip my lips over the head of his thickness. He gasps in shock and grips my hair in his fist. “Holy fuck, Everleigh!” His words come out strained. There's no way I can take all of him in my mouth, not without choking, so I keep my hand moving and just focus on his tip.

“I’m comin’,” he growls another warning, before tensing his fingers and filling my mouth with spurts of warm, sticky pleasure that I’ve caused. I swallow him down while looking up at him and watch as confusion takes over the tension on his handsome face.

“I wanted to taste you.” I shrug, suddenly hoping I haven’t overstepped the mark and got him mad at me.

“Get up here,” he orders me with narrow eyes and a stern look on his face. Taking my chin between his thumb and finger he guides me to climb back up the bed toward him. Our eyes stay in contact and I let go of the breath I’ve been holding when he kisses me again, his fingers gripping me tight while his lips touch me softly.

“Well, ain’t you full of surprises?” He smiles as he shakes his head in shock, and when I wrap my arms around his muscular torso and rest my head on his chest, I allow myself to slip into a deep, contented sleep.

“We need to talk about the books that your wife has been recommendin’ to Everleigh.” I storm into Cole’s cabin without knocking.

“Mornin’, Mitch.” He lifts his hat from the table and places it on his head before he stands.

“Is she here?” I check around us for any signs of Savannah.

“You just missed her, she left to go shoppin’ with Leia.”

“Do you know what kinda things are in those books, they’re?—”

“I know what’s in ‘em. Some of my wife’s best ideas come outta those books,” he interrupts me with a grin on his face.

“Well, I don’t know if it’s the kinda thing Everleigh should be readin’. I think they might be givin’ her ideas too. She keeps on lookin’ at me weird and last night…” I manage to stop myself before I overshare, but when one of his eyebrows rises, I know I’ve already given too much away.

“It’s wrong, a girl her age, after all she’s been through.” I press my fingers into the table and focus on them rather than facing his judgment.

“You think it’s wrong for her to explore how it’s supposed to be between a man and a woman?” He laughs at me.

“Of course, I don’t, I just think it’s wrong that she’s doin’ it with me.” I grow the balls to look back up at him. “She… She had her hand on my damn cock, Cole. I ain’t a fuckin’ saint.” I scrub my hand over my face because for all of my sins, what I let happen last night feels like the worst of ‘em.

“Has it occurred to you how much confidence that would have taken her to do? Jimmer explained to us all what she’s been through, and I'm guessin’ we only know half of it. She’s been here for six months, and you and that cabin is all she’s known.”

“Which is exactly my point. She’s clearly ready to heal, and she’s thinkin’ I’m her only option. I’m her safe zone, and if I let this go on I’ll be doin’ her more harm than good.” Hearing the words out loud only makes me feel more guilty about what I’m allowing to happen.

“Ever thought that maybe she’s just fallen for the kind, considerate man who’s been takin’ care of her all this time?” Cole frowns at me. “C’mon, Mitch. We’ve all noticed a change in ya, and it ain’t just because Dalton’s gone. Ya can’t deny that you look forward to goin’ home to her, and I can guarantee that it’s her who’s on your mind most of the day while you’re workin’.” He may hit the nail in straight but it makes no difference to the situation.

“That's not what matters here, that girl needs help. Jimmer saved her from those cult bastards, now I need to save her from herself.” That sting finds its way to my chest again when I think about having to distance myself from her. Especially when I know that Cole is right, what happened between us last night was some real progress for her. The fact she trusted me to be the one she made that progress means the fuckin’ world to me. The last thing I want to do is throw that back at her.