“Mitch, this girl likes you, she’s got a therapist, and?—”
“She’s young enough to be my daughter. What the hell does a girl her age want with a grumpy, old cowboy?” I laugh bitterly.
“She’s not like other girls. She’s been through hell and she sees this world differently to others. In normal circumstances the two of you would probably never have met. But ya have, and you’ve been showin’ her that side to ya that ya only ever let the people close to ya see. I don’t think your age is a problem here. I don’t think she is either. I think you are too scared to fall in love.” He crosses his arms and stares at me with a smart look on his face.
“Me, in love?” I snort. “Cole, I’ve made it this far in my life without bein’ a victim to that.”
“Being in love don’t make ya a victim.” Now it’s his turn to laugh. “Sure, it makes ya vulnerable and I know from experience that it can fuckin’ hurt, but there comes a time when you can’t protect yourself from it. It takes over your head and all your senses. Then overrules all your doubts and good intentions. The books ain’t what made Everleigh wanna touch ya last night. You did.”
I scratch the back of my neck and stare back at him, wondering to myself how the hell Cole Carson suddenly became the voice of reason.
“Look, Savannah’s been goin’ on about includin’ the girl in more stuff, around here. She likes her, and ya know what she gets like when she’s got her mind set on somethin’.”
“I don’t, Cole, I don’t wanna push her.”
“I was gonna suggest we have Savannah take over from Josie for a while. I figure if she’s at your place bein’ useful, she won’t be able to help out at the guesthouse anymore. I really need her to start slowin’ down.”
“I think Everleigh would like that.” I nod in agreement. I’ve seen a change in her since she started speaking to Savannah, and although the girl can be a lot to handle, her enthusiasm is kinda infectious. Maybe she’s just what Everleigh needs.
“I’ll have her come by tomorrow then.” Cole leads me to the door.
“That new kid, he’s dedicated,” he mentions as I untether JD and lead him over toward the stable where Cole keeps Rebel.
“Yeah, I’ve been hearing’ good things about him.” I pass Cole his saddle while he dusts off Rebel’s back.
“Garrett tells me the kids up with the sun ridin’ that horse you bought from Wade. She’s still a little jumpy but even Wade’s impressed with the improvement.”
“Maybe she just needed some time and consistency. Wade’s got a lot on, with the baby and all.” I shrug.
“He sure does.” Cole blows out a breath as he checks the strap is tight around Rebel’s belly then jumps on his saddle
“You gettin’ nervous?” I ask, knowing that before Savannah, having kids would never have been a thought in his head.
“I don’t think there's a man who’s about to become a father that ain’t. I just hope my best is good enough.” He shrugs.
“You know it will be.” I hop up on JD so we can ride to the ranch together.
“Who knows, maybe you might find out yourself some day?” Cole raises his eyebrows at me for the second time today.
“Nah, Everleigh can’t have kids anyway.” I shake my head.
“Now who said that I was suggestin’ you have ‘em with her?” The clever bastard winks at me as he kicks Rebel into a gallop and leaves me with something to think about.
We arrive at the ranch within five minutes, all the Carson brothers’ homes are close, mainly because their women are so close and it means they don’t have to stray too far to be together. The girls are all so kind and supportive of each other. It’s the sorta thing Everleigh should experience after all she’s been through.
“Hey, Mitch.” Maisie steps out onto the porch with one of the triplets resting on her hip, and I smile at the little fella before I pretend to pull off his nose.
“Have you seen what Hunter’s managed to do?” She nods her head over to the corral where Hunter has the skittish horse that Everleigh has fallen in love with trotting around it at a steady pace. “Garrett says he’s put in hours of work, all in his own time. He’s impressed.”
“Yeah, well, he seems like a good kid.” I watch him as he continues to ride, wondering who he is and where he came from. He’s taken to the saddle like a duck to water, and he’s proving that he’s eager to impress. You don’t get many kids like that these days.
“He’s the kind of help we could do with.” Cole lifts his nephew up outta Maisie’s arms and sits him on the front of his saddle.
“You're as bad as Garrett. Let’s get him walking first, huh?” She reaches up to take him back, but the kid proves he’s a true Carson when he grips the reins and turns his head away from her.
“Maybe in a few years, champ.” Cole laughs to himself as he hands him back down. “Garrett workin’ in his office today?” he asks, looking around the yard and seeing no sign of him.
“He’s on mayor duties, and not the slightest bit happy about it.” Maisie rolls her eyes.