Page 48 of Raze

I place my hand under my nose when the smell of the body carries its way over to me and she laughs.

“You get used to that after a while, at least this one's fresh. It’s the ones that people have tried to hide that are the worst, you know I once had a guy whose wife tried to hide him in a?—”

“I’m looking for Mr. Tinsley. He’s a medical examiner,” I interrupt her, wanting to get my answers and then get the fuck outta here.

“Tinsley?” She laughs.

“Yeah, you know him?”

“I know him.” She nods and when I take another glance at the naked corpse with his guts hanging out I point to the door.

“Any chance we could…”

“Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind.” She urges me to continue, and when I stare back at her helplessly she laughs again.

“I’m kidding, come on, step into my office.” She moves past me and opens the door back into the corridor, then leads me into a tiny, very chaotic office space.

“Have a seat.” She clears some paperwork off the chair so I can sit and I look away when I see a photograph of a woman with half a face. I’ve seen some pretty gruesome shit in my time, I’ve even been the cause of it, but something about the way her hair is the same color as Peyton’s makes my stomach churn.

“So, what do ya want with Tinsley?” The girl pulls a Snickers bar from her top drawer and tucks right in.

“I’m sorry, my manners.” She holds her hand over her mouth as she chews. “You want one?” Reaching back in her drawer she pulls out another and offers it across to me.”

“I’m good,” I politely decline.

“I got all kinds in here, I bet you're a Hershey’s guy.” She points her finger at me.

“Honestly, I’m fine.” I clear my throat so we can get back to why I’m here.

“So, Tinsley signed this death certificate.” I pull it outta my cut pocket and lay it out in front of her with all her other paperwork.

“Right?” She leans forward and studies it over.

“Well, thing is, I’ve learned recently that this girl who he signed off as dead, is still very much alive.”

She sits back in her chair and the way she looks at me feels scrutinizing.

“Well, I would tell ya to ask him why that is yourself, but he’s dead.” She passes it back over to me, seeming uninterested.

“Please, if he worked here you must have some notes or somethin’. I really need to know who helped her cover this up. This girl, she’s my sister,” I add, hoping she might take a little pity in that fact.

“You're a Soul.” Her eyes glance at my cut. “President,” she adds, obviously impressed, when she notices my badge.

“New president. I know the old one made some mistakes, I’m here to make right on ‘em.”

“I was an intern when Tinsley signed this off, and your sister wasn’t the only one. Tinsley was always happy to take handouts,” she explains, giving me some hope.

“So, you remember this? Do you know who paid him?”

“I don’t, but I’ll bet you do. He wore a cut just like yours. An older man with gray hair, kinda hot if you're into the older guy thing.”

“Gray hair, and a patch like mine?” I tap my president badge.

“I don’t know, maybe. I was staying behind after hours when I shouldn’t have been and when I heard their voices I had to hide. I barely saw, but I heard everything.

“Does the name, Jimmer Carson, ring any bells?” I ask, wondering how deep into this he was.

“It was a long time ago.” She shakes her head. “I just remember him saying that the girl deserved a fresh start. We’d had a Jane Doe come in that day who had died of an overdose and Tinsley did his thing. I’m sorry I can’t help you more.” She smiles sadly.