Page 49 of Raze

I go to stand up feeling deflated. I really hate the idea of Jimmer being involved in this web of lies, but at the same time, it sounds like he had Eden’s best interests at heart.

I just can’t figure out why he would send me here and have that agent, Consuela, tell me all this now.

“So, you're going to fix all that Cliff Adams broke?” She asks me before I make it to the door.

“You know Cliff?” She earns herself my attention again.

“Someone had to take over from Tinsley, and in a city where people need to disappear it’s handy to have a medical examiner on your side.” She shrugs.

“Wait…You work for the club?”

“Correction. I worked for the club. I’m all about outlaw justice, but that asshole took advantage. I may do handouts, but I don’t do unethical ones. I made that clear from the start.” She takes another bite from her candy bar looking unfazed.

“Handy to know.” I nod at her before I see myself out.

“I’ll be seeing ya, Prez.” She calls after me as I walk up the corridor and head back home where I know my girl will be waiting for me.

1 Week Later

“Do you think that banner is straight?” I ask Corey as he carries another crate of beer from outside.

“I’m not gettin’ back up there to fix it.” He laughs as he slams it on the bar.

“What the fuck you doin’ here?” Dev doesn’t look happy when he walks through the door and sees his brother.

“He was helping me get the place ready for Raze’s surprise party.” I jump to his defense. The last thing I want is for him to get in trouble because of me.

“I told you about skippin’ school to hang out here, now get gone.” Dev smacks his brother around the back of the head, and Corey looks real angry before he strops out the door.

“Honestly, Dev, it wasn’t his fault. I mentioned to him about the party a few days ago and he offered to help. Please don’t blam–”

“He knows better.” Is all Dev says as he storms past me and out the door.

“Look at her, she’s pathetic.” I hear one of the girls from the corner of the room speaking about me loud enough to ensure I hear her. “Blowing up balloons and hanging banners for her boyfriend's birthday. I’m sure he’s gonna love playing duck, duck, goose.” They all burst into giggles, but I ignore them and continue to make the place look cheerful.

Raze has been working so hard lately, I want him to celebrate his birthday, and use the party to get closer to some of his members.

“Did ya notice that he took Sonny with him on a job yesterday?” One of the other girls mentions, and I keep my head down as I tie the balloons together and listen.

“A little father and son bonding perhaps?” Trinity adds.

“You really think Sonny’s his?” The one who has her hair scraped so far back she’s given herself a facelift asks, and I pay closer attention, wondering why this is coming as such a shock.

“Of course, he is, why else would he have made him prospect? Let’s face it the boy’s not exactly club material. I offered to suck him off the other day and he practically ran for the mountains.”

“Speak of the devil.” The one I think is called Georgia throws her eyes toward the side door as Sonny steps in. He nods his head and smiles at me before doing the same to the girls.

“Hey, Sonny, wanna hang out?” Trinity stands up and comes towards him, clearly making him feel uncomfortable when she slides her hands behind his neck.

“I was ummm… just gonna see if Peyton needed any help.” He looks across at me shyly.

“I thought you’d never ask. These need hanging from the ceiling.” I hold out some streamers and notice how relieved he looks as he steps away from her.

“So, how does it feel to have Raze around? Must be nice.” Trinity proves she isn’t gonna let up on him as he gets to work.

“It’s good for the club.” He shrugs, clearly not having a clue what she’s getting at.

“Good for the club, good for you. Who knows maybe one day you’ll follow in your daddy’s footsteps, Sonny.” The others start to laugh and I’ve had about enough.