Page 35 of Raze

“Phew.” I take a long deep breath once I know he’s safe, with water and shelter from the sun. Now, it’s time for phase two of my plan. Getting some help.

The clubhouse turns silent when I step inside. The woman who’s serving behind the bar shakes her head at me and turns up her nose, while the one that's got her hands inside Griller’s pants mouths the word “bitch” at me.

“I don’t think ya should be here.” Sonny rushes from behind the bar and blocks my vision from what’s taking place during the middle of the day in this very public place.

“I’m not planning on stopping. I’m just looking for some help, a raven flew into the hut door and hurt its wing. It can’t fly,” I explain.

“Ya hear that, Sonny? Looks like you get to make your first kill today.” Griller laughs loudly.

“No.” I yell back, “He just needs some help from a vet. I have him secure I just need someone to drive me to the nearest?—”

“No one ain’t drivin’ you to save no bird. We’ll send Sonny down to break its neck once he’s finished restocking the bar,” Griller dismisses me.

“I will not let you kill him, not when there's a chance he can be saved.”

“Ya hear that, boys? One kiss from the president and she thinks she can hand out orders.”

“Shut up, Griller, or you’ll end up with two empty sockets.” Raze’s VP steps out from the office, leaning his shoulder on the door frame and folding his arms.

“Wrath, will you help me, please?” I look to him for some support. Alicia and Corey taught me a lot about the club and who everyone was last night. I learned that there’s tension between him and Raze, and apparently they both left here around the same time.

“I won’t, but Sonny will.” He looks toward him. “Take Raze’s old lady and help her with her bird situation,” he orders.

“Oh…I’m not Raze’s old lady,” I correct him with a nervous laugh. I may not be all that knowledgeable on biker gangs because Kane insisted I stay away from the Reapers, but I do know what an old lady is.

“Looks that way to me. Our prez just claimed you in front of us all.” Wrath sniggers.

“Well, technically she claimed him.” One of the girls comes and stands beside me, holding her lips so close to my cheek I can smell the cherry balm on them. “What a dumb-ass bitch,” she adds with an irritating little giggle that makes me want to rip the cheap-assed weave right off her scalp.

“Enough.” Wrath eyeballs her, gesturing his head toward the bar to send her on her way.

“Sonny, take Peyton wherever she needs to go. Keep a good eye on her.”

“Sure thing.” The kid who’s now standing next to me, ready and able, smiles. He’s much taller than the other prospect is, and handsome in his own way, at least he smiles which seems rare among the men around here.

“We need something to transport it in, like a cage or something,” I explain, hoping that he’s okay back at the hut. It must be scary for him.

“I can help with that.” I’m shocked to hear a friendly female voice and when a pretty, blonde-haired girl looks up from her phone I smile at her gratefully. “Follow me.” She leads me and Sonny out the door toward the motel then opens one of the doors into a huge janitor closet that's stacked to the ceiling with junk.

“There’s all sorts left in here from when this place was a working motel, the club never bothered to clean it out.” She climbs over the dismantled bed frame and when Sonny notices that I’ve caught him checking out her ass he quickly averts his eyes and looks embarrassed.

“I knew there was one of these in here.” She holds up a pet carrier.

“This is perfect.” I squeal with excitement, relieved to know that we can get the bird some help.

“Willow had a pet cat before she left to spend time in Colorado.”

“Willow?” I ask, not recalling hearing her name mentioned.

“Wrath’s little sister, Cliff took her with him when he left. That’s where Tawk is right now, out there looking for her.” I take the carrier out of her hands and take in what she’s said. There’s so much to learn about this place and its past. I already know the president, before Raze, was a bad man and that his being here is to try to right all the wrongs he made.

“Well, I appreciate this…” I smile awkwardly because I don’t know her name.

“Cara.” She smiles.

“And you should ignore the rest of the girls, they’re just jealous. There’s been talk of Raze coming here for a while, he’s been a target for all of them.” She smiles and I return it feeling grateful for her kindness and her honesty.

“Come on, let’s go get your friend.” Sonny leads me through the arch and into the parking lot where I kissed Raze earlier. I feel my cheeks burn when I recall what I did. I must have embarrassed him by kissing him that way in front of everyone, and as good as it felt at the time, I’m sure he’ll be mad about it. Raze is always mad at the things I do.