Page 83 of Raze

“They loved hearing about how you’d try not to scream, and how your tears just kept on flowing from these pretty, green eyes,” he whispers making me wonder how the fuck he knows all that. I’ve never gone into detail about what happened with Billy to anyone, not even him.

“Kane, what are you talking about?” I shake my head at him, trying to fight off his friends when they come at me with a leather belt and a black tie.

“Please, please don’t tie me down,” I beg, and both of them ignore me as they loop their items around the bed frame and use them to anchor me.

“Kane, what are you gonna do to me?” I’m scared but more than anything I’m repulsed when I go over all he’s said again in my head and try to make sense of it.

He lowers his head and brushes his nose across mine the way Moma used to when she kissed us goodbye, and suddenly I feel the bile rise in my throat.

“The order was to bring you to the club. Every single member wants to put his dick in Kenny Longmire's daughter. But these guys, right here, are my buddies, and I told ‘em all about how special you are.” His finger strokes my face and I shudder. “We only just passed our probation so you’d have been ruined by the time you got to us.”

I’m hearing what he’s saying and I want to scream, but somewhere among his words, I’m still trying to hear the part where he’s gonna save me.

“I don’t understand,” I sob, feeling my pulse beat against the restraints that hold me to the bed. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain,” Kane whispers softly, just like he used to when he would try and comfort me. “First, I’m gonna watch my two friends fuck you, and then I’m gonna give you a little of myself.” He lowers his mouth to my ear. “For old times sake.” I feel my insides go cold when I put it all together and realize what he’s saying. Everything makes sense now, the mask, the scarves, the overalls, it was all him. He knew about all the things he told the Reapers because he was there.

“You. It was you?” My skin suddenly itches all over and I want to shred out of it. What he’s saying can’t be true, it’s too much.

“Yeah, sweet thing, it was me, and it’s been really tough since Billy got put away, nobody cries quite like you do.” He smiles at me as he wipes his hand over my cheek and collects my tears.

I retch, feeling like I’ll throw up as he clambers off me and sits himself in the chair in the corner of the room.

“Which one of you are gonna go first?” He asks his two friends. “I’d rubber up if I were you, she’s had Soul scum inside her now.” He looks me dead in the eye and I let him see how repulsed I am.

It’s a distraction from what's about to happen to me, having these two strangers rape me doesn’t come close to the horror of looking back on my nightmares and knowing it was Kane who hurt me.

He lied to me. He told me he was a victim too. I used to cry for him, look at him, and be in awe of how brave he was. Now, when I look at him all I see is a monster.

One of the guys gets to work, wrapping his hands around my ankles and slowly sliding them up my legs. I kick the fucker in his face, knocking him back, but it doesn’t put him off. He comes right back at me.

“I thought you said she was fuckin’ cute.” He smirks as he wipes the blood from his nose.

“You should ask Malice about how cute she is.” My brother winks at me as his friend continues to slide his hand up my leg, and when I hear the sound of an engine coming from outside I close my eyes and pray to God that it’s Raze.

Everyone goes still and silent when the front door slams and as the footsteps from the corridor outside get closer they stare at each other in confusion.

The guy standing by the door raises his gun so he can shoot whoever comes through it, and all my fears strangle my throat making it impossible for me to scream.

The door opens, and when James steps through it I immediately panic.

“James, get down.” I pull against my restraints trying to get free. I can’t have another person die because of me.

“I thought you couldn’t get away.” The guy pointing the gun at him lowers his weapon and I stare between them in confusion when I realize that they’re familiar with each other.

“There was a distraction, Prez and his VP are having a fight, no one would have noticed me slip away.” He smiles as he shrugs out of the Dirty Soul prospect jacket he’s wearing and tosses it on the floor.

“How late to the party am I? Y’all know I called first dibs. I’ve waited a long time for this.” He focuses on me and smiles wickedly.

“James?” I barely recognize the boy standing in front of me. This can’t be the person I’ve come to know, he’s kind and shy. He’s thoughtful and unsure of himself.

“Fuck off, she’s mine first!” The guy on the bed shoves him back.

“Kane, what is this?” I look around the room at the four of them, all of them are far too young to be so evil.

“Did you know these guys had daddies that went to jail because of our dad and his big mouth? They want their revenge, Peyton. And you’ll be too tired to scream by the time they get their turn back at the clubhouse. But I’m here little sis. I’ll hold your hand through it all.” He comes closer and the kiss he places on my cheek makes me gag.

“And you? Your daddy wasn’t a Reaper. What did I ever do to you?” I look at James and let him see my disappointment.

“You're my reward. I’ve been working real hard to get the Reapers the information they needed.” He shocks me when he pushes the guy on the bed out of his way, then lowering his head he slides his tongue all the way up my inside leg.