Page 84 of Raze

“James,” I plead with him as he buries his head between my thighs, holding them firmly apart with his hands so he can lick me through my panties.

“No, Sonny, please.”

“You said you’d only ever call me James.” He looks up at me and winks before he gets back to assaulting me.

I close my eyes, trying to do what I did when I was younger, and blank it out. But as Sonny grunts and slobbers over my panties, all I can focus on is the fact that it was Kane behind the mask, not Billy.

“Why are you wastin’ time given’ her pleasure? We want her to suffer.” One of the others interrupts him.

“Oh, she’s sufferin’. You forget that I’ve come to know this girl. She’s gonna feel all kinds of disloyal to her president when she comes on my tongue.” He smiles at me and kisses my thigh before he hooks my panties to the side and I feel his wet slimy tongue touch against me.

I scream for Raze. I scream so loud it scratches my throat and when I feel my brother’s breath near my face again I lose my voice.

“It’ll all be over soon, little sis,” he strokes my hair. “And then it’ll be my turn.”

Ihear a scream when I pull up outside the house. One that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I waste no time wondering who the three bikes that are parked beside Peyton’s car belong to as I dash inside.

“Peyton!” I call out her name and follow her cries for help, and when I kick open the door I’m immediately met with a flying bullet.

I crouch and charge at the guy who fired it, crashing him into the wall, then take out my gun and fire it at the asshole who comes at me from the right. When I’m sure the bullet I just put in his forehead has killed him, I turn my attention back to the guy who tried to shoot me. He’s folded over on the floor and I slam the base of my gun into his skull, over and over, until blood sprays the walls and his limbs go limp.

I turn around to help Peyton and when I see Sonny knelt on the bed between my old lady’s legs I ignore the kid who’s sitting on the bed beside my girl and stare at him in confusion.

“What the fuck do you think ya doin’?” I ask, taking in the scene around me. Neither of the two still living seem to be armed, I’m sure if they were, they’d have their weapons drawn on me. Peyton’s tied to the bed, her legs open and her face, red and streaked with tears. I don’t need to use my imagination to know what’s goin’ on, and it doesn’t just make me sick to my stomach, it makes me fuckin’ murderous.

“Just tastin’ your old lady’s pussy, Boss. Now I see why you like her so much.” He shocks the fuck outta me when he gives me his answer without guilt or fear and it makes me want to blow his damn head off his shoulders.

I need some answers first.

I pick up the two guns their dead buddies dropped on the floor and head toward the door to close it so no one can’t escape.

Suddenly the guy who’s sitting beside Peyton doesn’t seem so confident, and I know from looking in his eyes that he’s her sick cunt of a brother.

“You’re disgustin’,” I tell him, pointing a gun at each of these boys who are tryin’ hard to be men, and goin’ the coward's way about it.

“Which one of us?” Kane smiles at me cleverly.

“Both. Now get off the bed and stand over by that wall. I don’t wanna have to wash your brains off my girl after I’ve blown ‘em out ya skulls.”

They both have no choice but to do as I say. They’ve got themselves into a real shitty situation and they must both know that this is the end for them.

“You good, darlin’?” I look to Peyton, and despite how broken she looks she manages to nod her head for me.

“Good girl, you're safe now. No one’s gonna hurt ya.” I can’t even think about how scared she must be or what might have happened before I got here. If I do, I’ll kill these fuckers before I get any answers.

“Raze it wasn’t Billy, it was…” She can’t say the words, and I have no idea how badly all this is gonna screw her up. What I do know is that I’ll be there for her every step of the way.

“I know. I know, and I’m gonna fix it. You just tell me how you want it done.” The guy in front of me may be a monster, but he’s still her brother, she gets to decide how he dies.

If I had my way. I’d make him suffer, long and hard just like she did, but she’s calling the shots on this one.

“I don’t want to see it.” She shakes her head and looks away from me, and when she starts to gag I keep the guns held up and pointed between them, but back myself toward her.

“It’s okay. Listen, baby. I don’t have to kill him, we could go to the police, have him arrested, but that has its risks. He would?—”

“Rat like his daddy,” Sonny pipes up, and I fire a bullet through his foot for it. He drops to the floor, crying in pain as he clutches it.

“He can’t live, can he? Not after what he did.” She knows it makes sense as she shakes her head and sobs. I want to untie her but I can’t risk not keeping a gun on both the fuckers in front of me. Sonny’s still on the floor clutching his foot and Kane is staring at his sister as if she’s the one betraying him.