Page 65 of Raze

“You cover the back, more might be coming from the opposite direction,” I tell him, pointing forward to Dev, to let him know he’s with me.

“I ain’t covering the fuckin’ back,” Wrath argues, and when another bullet pings off the side of the cage I grip him by his lapels and slam him into the cage door beside me that's still shut.

“Now ain’t the time to be throwing’ ya weight around. I need cover at the back,” I tell him again, releasing him with a shove and focusing on the here and fuckin’ now. I nod to Dev and we both reach our arm round either side of the cage and send out some shots.

“I’m out.” I release my clip and Sonny shows he’s of no use at all when he doesn’t get the hint and toss me a new one.

“I got it.” Rocco climbs back into the cage and tosses me one from the bag between the front seats.

“Woodland’s clear!” Ruckus calls out, and when a shot hits one of the trees near where it came from it gives me a good indication on where to fire my next shot. I keep my back tight to the side of the van then make a quick fire at the Reaper who’s using his bike as a shield and shooting toward the tree line. His friend spots me and lifts his gun to point in my direction, and his head explodes when Rocco puts that shotgun of his to good use.

“I got you, Prez” He reloads it with a proud smile on his face, and looking around at the four dead Reapers whose blood is soaking the tarmac I call out to Ruckus that it’s clear.

He steps out from the trees with a smoke hanging from the side of his mouth as he drags a body by its ankles.

“Everyone whole?” I call out.

“Just about.” Vike touches his hand to the hole in his shoulder.

“Ya did good kid.” I ruffle Rocco’s hair as I pass him, knowing his old man would be proud of him. He stepped up today, showed no fear, unlike Sonny who I’m pretty sure is still quaking in his boots in the back of the cage.

“Shit, you’ve been hit,” Dev points out, looking down at my side and seeing the blood on my shirt. It ain’t nothin’ though, just a clip and I lift up my shirt to show that it's just a bullet graze.

“Come on, let’s get out of here before we get any more excitement.” I nod to them all, and Wrath pins me with his eyes as he picks up his bike and retakes his saddle.

Vike lifts his and checks it for any more damage, and when he decides it’s rideable he hops on too. Rocco uses the baseball bat that’s kept under the driver’s seat of the cage to smash the rest of the windscreen through, so he can see out of it for the rest of our journey, and when one of the Reapers on the ground starts to move, Saint snatches the bat off him and heads straight for the guy.

He swings back the bat, then smashes it into the guy’s skull to silence him, and when I turn my back on him and prepare to start my engine, I notice in my mirror that he ain’t stopping. I look back over my shoulder and watch with everyone else as he slams the bat over and over into the Reaper’s head until it explodes all over the road like a smashed watermelon.

“Saint!” I call out, “We ain’t got time for this.” Right now we’re exposed. Someone could drive past any second, and who knows if more Reapers are on their way.

“I don’t think that’s Saint.” Ruckus crushes his smoke out under his boot as all of us watch him continue to batter the body in front of him. His face is completely red from the blood that splatters from his heavy blows, and when he finally decides he’s done, he calmly hands the bat back to Rocco, smiling across at me with blood-stained teeth as he takes his bike and waits for my order.

“He really is a fuckin’ psychopath, ain’t he?” I stare at the guy in disbelief, deciding to let the fact that me and him have a score to settle wait until we get back to the club.

“What the fuck ya doin’ here?” Dev calls over his engine when he sees his brother waiting at the gate.

“You took both ya prospects, so I thought I’d make use of myself,” Corey tells him, as he opens them for us to pull through.

“What have I told ya ‘bout–”

“Leave off, Dev, it’s been a fuckin’ day.” I hold up my hand.

“I appreciate it, Corey,” I nod my head as I ride past him and take my spot.

“What the fuck happened to you boys?” Griller steps through the arch, looking shocked when he sees the state Sinner’s in, while Peyton shoves him out the way and comes racing toward me. All the excitement evaporates from her face when she sees the blood on my shirt and the state the cage is in.

“Oh, my God.” She wraps her arms around my neck squeezing me so tight I almost choke and when she looks down to where the blood is soaking through my shirt she presses her hand over it and makes her palm sticky with the blood that seeps through the cotton.

“It’s fine, just a graze. Pol can stitch it, but she’s gotta see to Vike first.” I keep her tucked under my arm as I start making my way toward the clubhouse. “Grill, you and Saul unload the supply into another cage we need to get it to Burlusconi’s ranch, ASAP.”

“You sure you're okay? Raze, were you shot at?” She sounds so worried.

“Don’t worry there's six dead Reapers to make up for it,” Rocco tells her still looking proud of himself as he heads for the clubhouse.

“Six?” Peyton stops walking, suddenly turning pale. Sinner moves past her, still covered in Reapers’ blood, and when he winks at her it takes everything in my power not to rip him back and use my fist like a bat on his fuckin’ skull.

“We got ambushed, there were two in the woods shooting at us, another four came at us from up ahead. I took my eye off the ball, I thought since we were outta their territory we were good.”