Page 64 of Raze

“No, I’m sure you’ll be fine, but you must be sore. I can’t imagine he was very gentle.”

Alicia says nothing, just turns a much deeper shade of red.

“So what now? You know there's that brother code thing, I don’t think Saul is gonna be happy to hear you and Griller hooked up.”

“He’s not gonna hear about it, no one is.” She slaps more water on her face and when we both break into hysterics the door pushes open and Trinity walking in, turns us both silent.

“Did you have a good night last night?” Trinity asks, sliding lipstick over her lips before she pops them at the mirror.

Alicia side-eyes me, looking unnerved.

“I saw you last night with Griller, I was surprised, you're not his usual type.” She fluffs up her hair. “I guess it’ll give me and your brother something to talk about the next time we—” A force of rage comes over me that I can’t hold back, and remembering Raze’s words the other day I grab a fist of Trinity’s hair pull her back and smash her face into the front of the basin.

Alicia stands in shock as I pull the bitch back up by her weave.

“You fucking psycho, I think you knocked out a tooth!” Trinity screams at me.

“You aren’t gonna tell anyone a thing.” I lean over her and speak directly into her ear. “The only reason you still get to use your whore pussy around here is because I allow it. Remember that next time you wanna threaten my friend.” I release her, letting her flop to the floor, and I have to admit I feel a little revived as we walk out the door and back into the barroom.

“What the hell came over you?” Alicia chases after me, sounding as excited as she is shocked.

“I’ve just had enough of her thinking she can speak to people how she does.” Heading straight for my man, who’s now resting on a barstool, I stand between his legs and kiss him. I also notice the look Alicia and Griller give each other across the room.

When Trinity eventually steps out of the bathroom with blood streaming from her nose and mouth, she looks over in our direction and bursts into tears before rushing out the door.

“What the fuck happened to her?” Raze asks.

“Your old lady just owned her shit,” I tell him, watching the shocked look that Ruckus and Raze exchange with each other while I take a sip of my iced tea.

Iwas fully on my guard as we rode through the Reapers’ roads on our way back from Reno. I wasn’t taking any risks, we have a lot of money’s worth in the back of the cage and Death Valley is a no-go this time of year. Now we’re outta the danger zone I can relax and look forward to seeing Peyton in a few hours.

Sonny and Rocco are both in the cage behind me, I got Wrath and Dev bringing up the rear and Ruckus by my side. With Sasquatch and Vike either side of the cage to box it in, we’re on the home stretch.

I’ll be glad to get this over with, I’ve figured out in a real short time that I don’t like being away from Peyton, especially not while I know Billy Skillet is still out there roaming. I know the likelihood of him finding her is slim, add to the fact he’d have to have steel balls to attempt coming to the club. I just know I’ll feel a helluva lot better when that fucker’s dead.

We’re cruising nicely through the windy roads, and less than a mile out of Long Beach when I hear the first shot. It comes from my right and smashes the windscreen of the cage causing it to swerve.

“Shit!” Ruckus shouts, keeping his head low as more fires come from the woodland on the other side of the road.

Another shot takes Vike off his bike, and I hanker on the brakes and hold my bars one-handed as I take out my gun and fire at the trees.

“I’ll cover ground, see to Vike!” I yell out behind me. Firing another blind shot, and hearing a painful moan.

A loud roar of engines comes from up ahead and when I look at the road in front of me four bikes are heading straight for us. I take my focus off the trees to fire at the men coming at us and feel something slice through my side as I keep popping at the incoming Reapers.

Ruckus goes charging into the trees without any backup and I climb off my bike and use the cage as cover while I send more bullets out in front of me.

“What’s the plan, Boss?” Rocco kicks open the back door of the cage, looking ready for action with the sawn-off shotgun in his hand.

“Just aim and fuckin’ fire!” I yell, checking over my shoulder and seeing Vike on his feet despite the blood that’s pouring from his shoulder.

“Those fuckers scratched my bike!” He yells, in a deep, low voice that sounds real pissed. And when one of their bikes zooms passed us I manage to get a headshot on the fucker that tries to shoot me and send him to his end.

“How many you seeing, Sonny?” I call through the cage to where Sonny has taken cover behind Burlusconi’s supply.” He’s the only one of us with a view out of the cracked windshield.

Three, they’re off, their saddles now.” He calls back.

“How you wanna play this?” Wrath asks, looking to the woods and hearing more groans of pain.