Page 58 of Raze

“She was.” Stacey swallows thickly.

“About two years ago me and Steven moved to Beverly Hills so I could help take care of my sister, and I saw Eden when I was picking up her meds. She lives about 30 miles from here. I couldn’t believe that she was so close, but there she was pushing a cart around the grocery store and looking real happy.”

“No. Why would she go through all the trouble of makin’ me think she was dead if she was gonna come back here?”

“It wasn’t her that wanted you to think it,” she reminds me of what her story’s brought to light.

“Then who was it?”

“It was your father. I asked Jimmer after we’d dropped her off what her story was and he said he was doing an old friend a favor. I don’t know why your dad put you through that, Raze, you’ll have to talk to him about it. But when I found out you were back I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.”

“I know why he did it.” I don’t mean for those words to come out, but hearing all she just said makes sense and it’s evidence that the old man really does hate me. But there’s one thing that doesn’t add up.

“Why would she come back here?” I think out loud for a second time.

“Because she met someone.” I didn’t expect Stacey to actually have the answer, but when I hear it, despite all that’s happened, my thoughts immediately go to Wrath and I can’t help feeling sorry for him.

“That day had been a tough one. I was glad to get out of the house, and seeing her made me curious. I stopped and asked her if she remembered me. We ended up getting a coffee and she told me all about her life.”

“You spoke to her?” I lean forward, curious as to what she knows.

“She went to college, got her degree and she’s living her dream, Raze.” I feel a tear form in my eye when I hear that. I never got to know Eden all that well, but I know how much she wanted to be a costume designer.

“She told me she wasn’t gonna let what happened here ruin her chances of breaking Hollywood.” Stacey laughs and despite the way I’m feeling, so do I.

“We keep in touch, I even got an invite to her wedding.” She smiles as she hands over a business card. I look at the name on it and frown.

Katie Sullivan Design.

“She has her own studio, and she’s worked on some pretty, big movies, you should be real proud.”

“Why are you givin’ me this?” There’s also an address for the studio and a number is on the card.

“I don’t know what happened to her, or why your dad wanted you to be apart, but I’m guessing you’d like those answers. I think she’s ready for a visit from her big brother.” Stacey smiles at me as she stands up.

“Wait.” Suddenly, I realize that she really did come here to do a good thing.

“Your kid, you sure Cliff thinks he’s dead?”

“I took inspiration from your dad’s idea, I figured it would be the only way to ensure his father never came looking for him. I’d appreciate it if that could stay between us. He’s a good boy, he does well at school and he knows nothing about this kind of life.” She looks around the walls surrounding us and when her smile turns sad, I nod my head back at her.

“I’m sorry.” I look at the card in my hand, then raise my eyes up to hers. “I’m sorry Cliff did to you what he did, it would never have happened if I wasn’t in prison.” I spent a lotta years blaming myself for the mess Cliff turned her into, she may not have been faithful to me, but no one deserves that.

“None of it’s your fault. I was a different person back then, you wouldn’t have been on the run if I wasn’t demanding that damn condo.” She laughs.

“As far as I’m concerned, all that's in the past.”

“Well, I appreciate this.” I hold up the card and realize just how much I mean that. She’s just given me the chance to speak with my little sister and at least apologize for not being there for her.

“You’re welcome.” Stacey smiles before she leaves and after staring at the address for a few long minutes, I tuck the card into my cut and head out to the barroom.

The first thing I notice is that Peyton isn’t anywhere in sight, then I realize that everyone is staring right at me.

“Nothin’ to see here.” I shake my head at them all before heading to the bar to ask Polly where my girl went.

“What the fuck did she want?” Wrath comes up behind me, and I feel the card that holds all the answers he wants, burning inside my pocket. I heard loud and clear what Stacey told me. Eden’s happy, she’s found someone and I will not let him take that away from her.

“She heard I was back in town and wanted to clear the air.” I shrug my shoulders and pass it off as nothing. I failed my sister ten years ago. I won’t do that again.