“Was he as fucked up as the last one?” she asks, starting to get frustrated when the dough keeps sticking to the counter.
“No, he just hacked off his arms.” I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her body, gripping her wrists in my hands so she stops fighting with the spatula.
“Grimm, I need this,” she tells me, lowering her head and taking a deep breath and when I spin her around and look at how vulnerable she looks, it puts a hurt inside me that only she can cause.
“No, ya don’t.” I wipe away the flour from her forehead with my thumb, leaving a greasy trail of blood and mud combined on her soft skin, and when I kiss her, I bite down hard on her lip and listen to the satisfied moan she makes.
The rolling pin falls to the floor with a thud as I lift her up on the counter, spreading her legs and placing myself between them. A few years ago, coming home to all this mess and disorganization would have sent me crazy. Living with Rogue has taught me to loosen up a helluva lot. Yeah, it still makes me twitchy, but right now my focus has to be on making my girl feel better.
She rushes to pull the filthy tee I’m wearing up my body and over my head, and I force the tight, little vest she’s wearing up over her tits and slide my hand up under it so I can grip at her throat, squeezing it just enough to make the sadness in her eyes glisten with thrill.
“You know what I really need?” She stares right into my soul, summoning the demon she knows is lurking in the shadows and I take her mouth again with mine to keep him contained.
“I need ya to make me bleed, Grimm,” she whispers, and when I pull away, her eyes are begging, almost spilling the tears they contain, and I nod my head back at her slowly.
“But not like this.” I look down at my dirty hands then lift her off the counter and carry her to the bathroom. I land her feet on the tiles and she makes it clear that she’s cleaning up with me when she starts stripping outta her clothes. Turning on the faucet, I dump my boots and dirty jeans in the corner, before taking her hand and leading her under the water. It’s a little too hot, but we both like the way it burns and as her hands slide over my body, cleaning all traces of the day I’ve had off my skin, I watch the way she does it and wonder what I ever did to deserve something so fuckin’ good. Rogue wears a steel mask, and she may be a straight shooter, but when she loves, she loves fiercely. I know everything that’s happening with Prez is breaking her heart and I also know what I have to do to make it better.
Once I’m clean she steps outta the shower and sits her naked, still-soaked body on the basin unit. She reaches across to take the cut-throat razor from the bag on the window sill and flicks it open. Tilting her head to one side she waits for me to go to her. I shut the water off and step toward her, watching the way she opens her legs and raises one of ‘em up on the counter, exposing her pussy and making my cock ache to be inside her. She hands the razor over to me and rests her head back against the mirror. Her pretty, little tits are pushed out and I take one in my hand, flicking her nipple with my thumb, while I tease the blade over her skin.
For me, it doesn’t get any more intimate than this. Rogue is offering me the ultimate level of her trust. I told her when we first started this that I never wanted her to cut herself again. When she’s upset, Rogue has no sense of control. I won’t risk her hurting herself. She knows I’ll cut her just deep enough to draw blood and release the pain inside her. She’s giving me that power, and as I kiss my way down her body and kneel between her legs I look up at her and watch the sadistic smile she makes as I take it. Carefully, I press the blade against the inside of her thigh so it slowly slices her skin open. The blood trickles from the perfectly neat cut, and I watch the relief spread over her face. I balance the razor back on the counter and slide my tongue through the incision I made. The coppery taste of her blood always makes my head spin like a fuckin’ drug and when I stand back up, I grab at her throat and draw her back up onto my lips, making sure she tastes it for herself. She reaches down and trails her finger through the blood that’s still spilling, then coats my lips with more of it ‘cause she knows I like how it tastes. I snatch at her wrist and suck her finger clean before I bite the tip of it and smile.
“I need ya to fuck me now,” she demands, rolling her hips on the edge of the counter and making sure her pussy grinds against my dick. I do as she says, wrapping her leg around my hip and letting my cock seek out her soaked, wet hole before I push deep inside her with one hard thrust. I hold myself steady with my palm against the mirror, closing my eyes and appreciating how it feels to be at one with her. Her nails dig into my back, deep enough to draw some blood of my own. But I don’t care, I’d bleed till my body was drained of it for this woman.
“Never leave me.” She clings to me tight as I roll my hips and stir my cock inside her. I feel her tears spill onto my shoulder, the blood between her legs sticking to my skin and I wonder if there’ll ever be a limit for us.
“Promise. Promise you’ll never leave me.” She pushes my shoulder back so I can see how vulnerable she is.
“I promise.” I stare right back at her and nod my head, and when she rests her head into the crook of my neck with relief, I look at my reflection in the mirror as I scrunch her hair in my hand and continue to fuck her. It’s a promise I know I can keep. Only death could part us, and even then I’d fight my way through hell to get back to her.
“Of course, I’ll be there.” I hang up the phone and find myself staring at it for a while.
“Who was that?” Jasmine comes outta our room and flops onto the couch. She’s looking hot-as-fuck in the sweats she’s stolen from me.
“That was Prez, he wants me and Hayden to go in and see him, tonight,” I explain, placing my cell back in my pocket.
“You look worried.” She gives me a cute, little frown when I sit beside her.
“I’m not worried, just curious. There’s a lot of uncertainty around here right now, some brothers are acceptin’ what's happenin’, some ain’t.”
“And what about you?” she asks, looking up at me with those big, brown eyes that have owned me since that day I first saw her standing in the rain.
“I’m angry,” I admit. For the past week, I’ve been trying really hard not to let that show. Anger will always be a part of me, but ever since Faith and Jasmine came into my life so many other emotions override it. I like how that feels.
“You're allowed to be angry.” She takes my hand in hers.
“I know, I just don’t like who I become when I am. It’s been a while since I’ve felt that way and I’m scared to let it out again,” I confess.
“It’s just as dangerous to keep it inside, Storm, you know that better than anyone.” She makes a valid point, but right now I wouldn’t even know where to unleash it.
Jessie may have a list of men who have hurt and exploited kids but I’m staying fuckin’ clear of it. I have a daughter, a daughter who I would give my last breath for, and the thought of anyone hurting her, makes me want to do so much more than kill. Torture and death isn’t enough, they deserve humiliation and shame on top of it. If it were up to me, they wouldn’t get to die somewhere private. And that’s why I’m here at home with my girl, and Jessie’s out there making sure they can’t hurt anyone else.
“I just want to focus on the good, Jas, Prez is givin’ up a whole lot so we can do that.”
“Okay.” She blows out a breath and when she turns to face me I can sense by the way she’s looking at me that she’s nervous about what she has to say.
“Ya good?” I frown at her curiously.
“Yeah, I’m really good,” The smile on her face is as beautiful as it is cute.