“Sometimes, I think you forget where I came from.” She pulls away and smiles at me. “Thorne, you showed me a side of love that I never knew existed, you love Gabriel like he’s your own son.”
“He is my son.” I frown because I refuse to have him thought of in any other way.
“I’m grateful to be here, among all these people who care for each other and help each other. I have friends I never thought I’d have and I…”
“Say it,” I urge her, because I know how much she hates to talk about her past with Raphael, and despite what she thinks, I could never forget what he put her through. There are nights when I dream about killing him all over again for it.
“I’m healed.” She smiles looking so brave and fuckin’ strong that a surge of pride lifts a smile onto my face. “You did that.” She slides her hand over my stubble and when she kisses me again, I stand up from my chair and lift her off the desk. Whatever there is left to do can wait till the morning.
* * *
“I didn’t realize you were comin’ today.” I put on a polite smile when Sylvia lets herself into our cabin. I also note the way she looks over my bare torso like I shouldn’t be shirtless in my own kitchen.
“It’s a surprise visit.” I wonder if the old woman likes what she sees since she’s still staring at it while I finish sliding Riley’s pancakes onto her plate.
“We really need to do morning sex more often.” Riley comes breezing outta the bathroom fixing her hair and is completely unaware that we have company.
“Shit.” She stops on her feet when she notices Sylvia. “I mean, we weren’t expecting you.” Her awkward laugh and the way she tugs the shirt of mine she’s wearing, to cover more of her thighs, has me hiding my smirk behind my hand.
“I can see.” Sylvia clears her throat and sits at the table.
“These look very tasty, Thorne.” She looks up at me and smiles curtly, and I hold in the growl I wanna make and return to the stove.
“Gabriel is with Jasmine and Storm,” Riley informs her as she takes her own place at the table.
“I should hope so.” I see the trace of amusement in the wrinkles around Sylvia’s lips.
“And don’t worry, you weren’t interruptin’ anythin’ at all,” I point out, placing a coffee in front of Riley and kissing her cheek. The old woman grins back at me sarcastically while Riley eats her breakfast and makes those sweet little ‘mmmm’ sounds that never fail to get my dick hard, even if the woman whose son's throat I slit is sitting at my breakfast table.
“Enjoy.” I slide a plate in front of Sylvia who looks a little shocked, but the smile it earns me from Riley is worth it. She’s always asking that I make more of an effort with Gabriel’s grandmother, and today I’m feeling generous.
“Well, that's very kind of you.” She takes the knife and fork I hand her and starts eating.
“I’ll go get the kids. Gabriel will be so excited to see you.” Riley excuses herself from the table when she’s finished and heads to the bedroom, and I throw her a look for leaving us alone when she comes back out fully dressed and heads for the door.
“You're good for her,” Sylvia tells me as she chews around a mouthful of pancake and I have to question if I heard her right. “I know we don’t see eye to eye, but I like the way you take care of her. Gabriel too,” she admits, almost looking sad.
“I like that I get the chance to.” I sit opposite her, studying the old woman hard and trying to imagine what it’s like to be her. I appreciate things must be hard for her. Every mother loves her son, it’s not something you can switch off, no matter how bad they are.
“I want you to know you can trust me, Thorne. I carry a lot of guilt for what Raphael did. I don’t condone it and, as much as I would like Gabriel to know where he came from, I understand why it’s important that he doesn’t.”
I nod my head appreciatively, feeling empathy for her when tears start to well up her eyes.
“I’d like us to be friends, for Riley’s sake, even if not for our own. Believe it or not, I can be quite fun.” She laughs at herself and I’m surprised at the way it makes me smile. “I want to be part of this family, I have nothing else and not many years left, so I guess what I’m asking is for you to do an old lady a favor.” Gabriel comes bursting through the door interrupting us and running straight to jump on her lap.
“I have to go and see Prez.” I drain the last of my coffee as I stand up.
“What, now?” Riley looks disappointed.
“Yeah, now. I took last night off, remember?” I raise my eyebrows at her and watch her blush all over again. “Is it a problem?”
“Well, kinda, I thought you’d be home today so I told Shaniya I’d help out at the drop-in.”
“I’m sure Sylvia will watch the kids.” I shrug, noticing how Sylvia looks almost as surprised as Riley.
“Ummm, yeah, sure.” She shakes herself outta her shock and agrees enthusiastically. Nodding my head at her I go to our room to get dressed.
“Thorne, are you sure about this?” Riley chases after me and closes the door so we won’t be heard.