“We want our guests here to feel comfortable, to build a level of trust, and sometimes the methods we use need to remain off record. You’d be amazed what lengths an agent will go to to get a confession.” I don’t know if that was supposed to be a threat or a promise, but I’d be willing to see how far she’d go. I’ve thought about the way her body responded to mine for days now, and I get the impression from the looks she sometimes gives me that she’s been thinking about it too.
“So you’re tellin’ me there are no cameras in here?” I glance around at the ceiling.
“None.” Kathrine shakes her head without a single hesitation.
“You wanna prove that to me, darlin’?” I decide to test those lengths a little for myself.
“I already did, yesterday, I spoke very openly about our arrangement. I wouldn’t have wanted that to be heard.”
“You spoke openly out there, not in here. How do I know those cameras don’t conveniently go on and off? Tapes can be edited, things can get cut.”
“This isn’t like any other place, Jimmer. This isn’t about small, petty crimes, our aim is to take down big organizations, like yours.”
“But you ain’t takin’ mine down, my club will still run without me,” I remind her. “And I won’t be confessin’ a word until I see somethin’ signed by someone very official to prove that.”
“You have my word, and the governor is happy to sign off on your terms and conditions. Any offenses you admit to will be punishable only by you, no further investigation will be made.”
“And once this is over you gonna call back your dogs and leave my club alone?” I challenge her, the biggest mistake this woman ever made was sleeping with me because now I know all her tells. She can’t lie to me.
“We’re happy to move our investigations on to other organizations,” she tells me. “Any advice from you as to what organizations we should focus on, would determine how busy we are.” She tosses a double-edged sword at me and proves why she’s doing so well for a woman of her age.
“I’m not a rat, Consuela, those who show me loyalty will have the protection of my silence, but I can point you in some right directions. We both know I’ve been doin’ a better job of cleanin’ up than you folks ever have.” I laugh to myself and although she doesn’t seem quite as amused as I am she manages the tiny hint of a smile.
“You fascinate me.” I don’t know if she meant for her words to come out loud but as her smile grows wider it shows a softer side of her that I wasn’t expecting. On the outside everything about this woman seems perfectly straight, but when you get your teeth sunk through the surface, you start to get a taste of something a little bitter. Consuela undoubtedly has secrets of her own, and before we’re through I’ll be sure to get a confession outta her too.
“Wanna tell me what ya find so fascinatin’?” I light myself a cigarette and after taking a deep toke I release the smoke toward the ceiling.
“You just are.” She shrugs, surprising me when she helps herself to a smoke and allows me to lean forward and light it for her. “You’re in here, about to give up your whole life on the outside, no more freedom, no family BBQ’s, and yet you can still manage to smile. A lot of men have sat in that chair, and once reality hits them they lose that.”
“I made my peace with my reality a while ago, darlin’. I’ve spent most of my life bein’ in full control, it's time for me to let it go. My club is strong, my little girl has everythin’ she needs, and this captain ain’t going down with his ship, he’s lettin’ it sail on.”
“You're different,” she tells me and when I stare back at her, confused, she decides to enlighten me. “Different to anybody I’ve ever met, let alone put inside. I understand now, how you built something up in such a small amount of time, how you break laws and yet still have people respect you. People who have you in their lives are lucky.”
“It ain’t always seemed that way.” I wish I could believe what she’s sayin’ is true but I’ve made too many mistakes for that.
“Look at the fuckin’ state of ya, Hayley’s gonna be home any minute.” I open some windows to let in some air and stub out the blunt that’s balanced on the side of the ashtray. “This place is a hovel.”
“Well, hire me a cleaner.” Mary-Ann giggles at me, sitting up a little straighter and fixing her hair. “Come on, baby, I’ll suck you off before your daughter gets home.” She has venom in her eyes and it makes me wonder how something as good as Hayley could have come from pure fuckin’ evil.
“I’m takin’ my little girl out for ice cream, I’ll wait for her outside. Clean yourself up before she gets home.” I march out and slam the door. When the car pulls up at the top of the drive and Hayley lets herself outta the back seat, I hold my hand up to Jed’s old lady before she drives away.
“Daddy!” Hayley races toward me. Nothing beats seeing the way her eyes light up every time she sees me. This precious little thing sees only greatness in me, and that is something I’ll never take for granted.
“You wanna head into town for some ice cream?” I lift her up onto my hip and carry her toward the car, ain’t no way my little princess is ever gettin’ on the back of no bike, not even if I’m the one ridin’.
“Do I ever! School sure dragged today,” she tells me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
“Well, I’m glad I can make your day better, we just need to make a little detour.” I strap her into the front seat and drive us toward Castle Rock. I may have convinced myself over the years that Joanne was right to cut me outta Ella’s life, but it doesn’t stop me thinking about her. I’ve kept an eye on her. I found out her name and what school she goes to, and I know for a fact that the housemaid the Walkers have, takes her to the park that’s a mile away from their mansion, every day after school. I’ve sat in the car and watched her from the other side of the street a few times. And not once during those times have I seen her look happy. Ella’s such a pretty, little girl, and yet she doesn’t seem to mix with any of the other children in the park. Her head is always down and it seems as though she tolerates her time there rather than enjoys it. It’s been a while since I checked in, and I figure a drive past won’t hurt.
We arrive at the park and Hayley looks at me curiously. “Why are we here, Daddy? The park in Manitou Springs is way better than this one.”
“We ain’t here to play, darlin’, we're just checkin’ in on somethin’.”
“Like undercover agents?” She looks excited by the concept.
“Yep, we’re keepin’ our eye on that suspect right there.” I point to an old lady dragging her overweight Labrador around the path.
“Her?” My clever girl doesn’t seem convinced.