Page 48 of Condemned Soul

“We both know that’s not true, Mr. Longford.”

He looks a little unnerved when I stand up and rest my palms on his desk.

“I know you struck a deal with Lincoln Mathers.” I lay all my cards on the table, and he does a real shit job of hiding how nervous he’s become. “I know that you didn’t get a confession, and the best spot in the parking lot, just from evidence. You made him talk, you offered him security, and consequently, all our investigations on the Irish were dropped when he went down.”

“That was different, the Irish don’t wear leather cuts and?—”

“It’s exactly the same. I want one month in the Fort Collins facility. One month to talk to the man who holds all the power. I can make him talk, but there is no way I can make him turn on his members, they’re family to him.”

“Do you know what favors I’d have to call in to pull off a deal like that? Fort Collins is a confidential facility, and way above your level of clearance. How do you know about it?” he questions suspiciously.

“I know I can make Jimmer Carson talk, and I know the director can bend a few rules and offer him a deal. I guess the question you should be asking isn’t how I know about it, but how badly you want Jimmer Carson.” I retake my seat and wait for his answer.

“I want the Souls. The club, Kathrine.”

“No, you don’t, you know as well as I do that when it comes to organized crime, there has to be a balance. It’s just like the food chain, boss. You take out the Souls and there will be chaos. Whether you like to admit it or not, law enforcement needs them. In most towns they run out of, they are the balance. They may be outlaws but they hold respect, without them there would be a lot more case files building up and we’re already understaffed.” He focuses his eyes on mine and I hold them because I won’t back down on this. I made Jimmer a promise and I will get him the deal that will save his club.

“You got three weeks.” Longford glares at me.

“And a deal?” I push for what really matters.

“That all depends on what you can get, Consuela.” He stands up and opens the door so I know to make my exit.

I look around the yard at everyone who makes up my dysfunctional family and I can’t help smiling to myself. So much has changed over the years, I barely recognize the men who make up my club, from who they were when they first came here. Each and every one of ‘em can still be dangerous, but I never thought I’d see the day where Brax Marshall pushed a stroller, or Squealer became a one-woman man.

“Prez.” Troj’s old lady interrupts my thoughts and when I look down at her, she offers me that warm smile that's got my Sgt at Arms wrapped around her finger. “I just wanted to thank you for inviting Theo along today.” Her eyes flick toward the little boy they’ve got staying with them in their cabin, he’s clutching Troj’s hand and still looks nervous despite him being here a few weeks now.

“Theo, is that what you're callin’ him?”

“For now, we had to call him something.” She shrugs as she stares across at him fondly. I wonder if she knows how proud her daddy would be of her if he was still here. It’s sad to think that he left this world not even knowing she existed.

“Brian would be proud of you.” I feel the need to tell her and it makes the smile on her face grow wider. “I wish you’d known him.” The words come out, and when she looks back at me I see the tears she attempts to blink away.

“Jessie tells me stuff about him all the time, but I wish I’d got to meet him.”

“Brian spent a lot of time here, fixin’ this place up with me before he left and went to Utah, I figure that's when he must have met your momma.” I think back to the time when me and my best friend thought we could rule the fuckin’ world.

“Funny how things turn out, isn’t it? I love the reservation and I’ll always be grateful to my aunt and uncle for raising me, but I felt like I belonged here the second I came here for help. I know you don’t believe in it, but fate led me here, and although it came with its troubles, I’m glad it did. I think he likes it that I’m here.” She rubs the stones on the necklace she always has around her neck.

“I know for a fact it’s what he would have wanted for ya, you and Jessie both got more than just his eyes, you have the same heart. Brian was a hard-assed motherfuc—” I stop myself when I remember that I’m talking to a lady. “He was hard as nails, but he cared about people, he was kind, generous, and forgiving. I see that in you and your brother every day. That, and the touch of stubbornness he always had.” I make her laugh despite her tears. “Listen, darlin’, the road that kid is on right now is pretty rocky, but he’s got this club behind him, and he’s got you and that guy over there.” I nod my head back toward Troj, who's now crouched down and encouraging the kid to kick a ball with Thorne’s boy. “He’s gonna be okay.”

“And what about Tawk?” Shaniya, wipes the tears from her eyes and her smile fades. “He’s been through so much, first me, then Abby. We all know the reason he went to Long Beach.”

“I asked him to come home, he wanted to stay. He’s got his mind set on findin’ Willow,” I tell her what I’m sure Troj will have assured her of already.

“I hope he finds her. She was kinda crazy, but she was good for him.” Shaniya gets called away by Lydia and when she smiles at me apologetically, I tip my chin and laugh. “Go on, have a good time, and don’t worry about Tawk. He’ll be okay,” I assure her. She nods gratefully before heading off to join Lydia and a few of the other girls.

I get back to observing everyone around me. Appreciating the little things like how Jessie steals a kiss from Maddy as she walks past where he’s cooking at the grill. I laugh when my grandson flips Screwy the bird and looks terrified when he hands his beer bottle to Skid so he can chase him. It only takes the big guy three strides to get hold of him, and a scream echoes around the yard when he lifts him up and tosses him over his shoulder. I smile as I watch my daughter rescue her son from his arms and giggle with him as she chases him back over toward Nyx and Sophia. She’s happy, everyone around me is happy and I realize that this right here is what I’ve been wanting all my life. A family.

“Looks like we got company.” Hayden nods his head toward the gates at the bottom of the hill and when I see Consuela’s car coming up the track with three patrollers accompanying it, I know the time has come for me to face reality.

“Shit!” Jessie abandons the grill and moves to stand beside me.

“We need to clear the vestry,” he tells me under his breath, “We got a whole truck full of Russian fuckin’ metal in there. I knew we shouldn’t have fuckin’ trusted her.”

“She ain’t here for that.” I stare at Consuela through her windshield as she parks up in front of me, and I notice the nervous breath she takes before she gets outta the car.

“Come on, Prez, this ain’t a friendly fuckin’ visit. She’s brought back up.” Jessie looks at me blankly.